Sitting in the waiting room…

Discussion in 'General' started by pickled egg, May 1, 2024.

  1. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”


    Oh, wait…

  2. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I may have to update that song...
  3. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Nurse's too! My x of 30 years.Who knew a hospital work environment could be such a great place to test drive dick? Absolutely destroyed my life! Forgot to mention also a red head/strawberry blonde, but red head in the appropriate places I rekon... It's been 4 yrs and I still grit my teeth when I think of her
    tony 340 and CBRRRRR999 like this.
  4. Phl218

    Phl218 .



    pics or it didn't happen

    slip and fall, then sue her
    CBRRRRR999 likes this.
  5. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    this sounds like a Sopranos story
  6. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Please! All you miserable old coots need to stop!

    @pickled egg you are right. This is the best move for you. What could go wrong :rolleyes:? All that I request is that you report to da beeb, early and often!

    We havent seen anyone go "full retard" in quite sometime. I want you to make the Beeb's Best of Threads. I know you have it IN you. :clap:
    CBRRRRR999 likes this.
  7. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    Just let her see you being a good Dad, respecting her professional space, and acting like a normal guy.

    Then casually run into her 6 months from now (which will probably require some mild stalking on your part). If she's normal (highly unlikely in her profession / hair color combo) she'll think of you as one of the good guys and you'll have a shot, assuming your kid isn't telling her all of your dirty secrets. Like my old man used to say "play it cool".

    She deals with psycho ever day, so your best bet is to be a REAL psycho and play the long game......
    YamahaRick, Phl218 and CBRRRRR999 like this.
  8. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Nah, bro. She has a deep, innate need to fix the broken things.

    Something that appears to be well put together (despite looking like Grizzly Adams on a bad face day) would be of zero interest.

    CBRRRRR999 and Gino230 like this.
  9. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Her girlfriend won't like it.....
    YamahaRick, Phl218, R Acree and 3 others like this.
  10. A. Barrister

    A. Barrister Well-Known Member

    If this wasn't too long ago, he could sue for tuition reimbursement. (depending on the statute of limitations). Also, he may have a case for receiving a portion of her increased earnings due to his "investment" in her education. Plenty of cases out there for reference of this.

    Of course, this all depends on the judge, regardless of what the law says...
    Phl218 and CBRRRRR999 like this.
  11. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    the "second wife" part precludes any sympathy from me...
    beac83 likes this.
  12. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    cav115 likes this.
  13. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    But true..ask me how I know. :D
  14. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    It's life parter now. Titles and pronouns mean errythang
    brex and CBRRRRR999 like this.
  15. Once a Wanker..

    Once a Wanker.. Always a Wanker!

    Almost three full pages in 19 hours.

    The 'Beeb delivers!
  16. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I just changed my mind. Go for it, egg dude!
  17. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    Being conservative and a capitalist. They might put you in a padded room.

    We're outnumbered 10 to 1 thanks to politicians.
  18. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    I have the exact same story with 2 buddies, but they became nurses.

    Hospitals are like swingers clubs.
    ToofPic likes this.
  19. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    You can 1000% blame the television shows for their brainwashing.

    The women in hospitals think the surgeons and Docs are gods. And the "fireman" pushing in 90 yr olds that puts out one fire a month.
    ToofPic likes this.
  20. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    More so in the way people purport to identify, due to societal pressures, than in what they actually believe and act upon day-to-day in their bellybrain.

    People talk a good commie game, because that's what society currently dictates, until it affects their pocketbook. Then that tune goes from Mendelssohn to Megadeth toot-sweet.

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