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The Electric Car Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Steeltoe, Apr 27, 2023.

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  1. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    While the overall tone of this discussion is somewhat contrary to my preferred style of debate, I believe that you accused me of an emotional response that I had in no way demonstrated. Was that an expert opinion? The bottom line is simple enough to define. Electric cars currently lack the infrastructure and economy of scale to replace internal combustion as basic transportation for the common man. Buy one if you want one. I will probably do so myself if I live long enough for the above issues to be addressed. In the meantime, when it comes to EV acolytes, the lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  2. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    The only knuckle-dragging moron in here is cu260r6. He has offered nothing but anecdotal bullshit.
    StaccatoFan likes this.
  3. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    Sure, sure. I bet the astronauts that landed on the moon, General Dynamics, Raytheon, anyone that uses the internet, or a cellphone, or GPS, and a multitude of others share your history defying opinion.
  4. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I would submit that the technologies you reference above were directly funded by the government to gain a political or strategic advantage. I'm not sure that bribing consumers to sway a purchasing decision rises to the same level.
  5. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Who needs AI when you can have GS*.

    *Genuine Stupidity
  6. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    This is, as The Dude would say, just your unsubstantiated opinion, man.

    The argument that you won't do something beneficial for yourself or the world until everyone else does is the entire reason we need regulation.

    My EV driving expierence is going swimmingly and has not encountered any of the cliche problems anyone in this thread has cited. You all can choose to keep deepthroating the Saudi cartel and complaining about EVs while buying everything else from China if you'd like. I'll just have to live with your scorn while driving on renewable smiles and rainbows for cents on the dollar.
  7. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    I posted an article a few pages back by the DoD citing the effects of climate change as the number one long term threat to our national security.
  8. Greg ZX6R

    Greg ZX6R Well-Known Member

    Mongo on vacation this week?
  9. diggy

    diggy Well-Known Member

    The home rates that I quoted were with an EV, the rate is not much of a reduction. For clarity, here are both rates with and without an EV:

    Without an EV
    Weekdays $.28/$.50 (off peak/peak)
    Weekdays (above baseline) $.37/$.59 (off peak/peak)

    Weekends $.28/$.39
    Weekends (above baseline) $.37/$.48

    With an EV
    Weekdays $.26/$.66
    Weekends $.26/$.38

    So you can see they, "the gub-ment", aren't really subsidizing crap for EV's in CA. Also, in CA, on new solar, the electricity companies basically don't pay anything at all for excess energy production (NEM 3.0). They realized that it is not sustainable for all the solar houses to produce too much energy that they don't use or don't need during the day and hammer the grid at night for free. Energy generation facilities are incapable of "storing" your excess. Now home battery storage is required (if you're smart) to use at night what excess you produce during the day.

    To say the least, NEM 3.0 is not popular but it is the right thing to do.

    I think the future is micro grid's that connect all of the storage in small areas for use at night. But just like anything else, people don't like change and change happens SLOWLY.
    Boman Forklift likes this.
  10. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    :Poke: Hahaha!

    We haven't strayed into any partisan politics. Imma tryin over here. :D
  11. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    I pay $.28/kw peak rate but only $.10/kw off peak when I'm charging the EV. No subsidies fir EVs at my utility.
  12. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Discounting any possibility of partisanship on the part of the authors of that study, even they acknowledge that China and India are key to any effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Shuffling our own emissions from the highway to the power plant is simply an exercise in somebody do something windmill tilting. I'm too lazy to look it up. What percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from American tail pipes?
  13. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    The argument that no one should do anything until a perfect solution is found for tue entire problem is unrealistic.

    The US is responsible for over twice as much atmospheric carbon than China so current annual output being slightly lower does not absolve us of the responsibility to act. Regardless of the cause, we still stand the most to lose economically by not acting.
  14. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    What was it you driving? Kia
  15. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    Yes, Kia EV6.
  16. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    We got a level 47 troll up in here fishin' with sushi grade bait
    Boman Forklift likes this.
  17. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    So you deepthroating Saudis, China and Korea?
    Boman Forklift and StaccatoFan like this.
  18. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Given enough time, micro grids in which each component has its own energy generating capability seem likely. As small scale electrical generation becomes commonplace and efficient, one is forced to wonder how the current large scale electric companies will respond. Someone will have to fund and maintain the infrastructure needed for storage and distribution.
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    See kids? This is why you shouldn’t smoke the pot. :rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

    Bugslayer and Boman Forklift like this.
  20. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

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