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Points and Grid positions

Discussion in 'General' started by DAL, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. fiptas

    fiptas L.O.C Endurance

    I understand now but it is far from clear from reading the rulebook.

    ". In the event of a crossover race, you will be gridded in the furthest forward grid spot you have earned. "

    Where is "crossover race" defined in the rulebook. How would I even know that this sentence applies to the multiple region situation. Yes it is clear to you, and the rest of the peanut gallery but not necessarily clear to someone starting with WERA no matter how many times they read it. "you will be gridded in the furthest forward grid spot you have earned" again I think it means that I am in 1st in N. FL region and 4TH in Mid A in D SBK so the higher position prevails, but the information needed for me to figure that out is not anywhere in the rulebook.

    Anyway you have proven my point, the amount of time and energy you and others have expended getting this across to me is absurd. Enjoy doing it over and over and over again because most of the people I asked about this didn't know either. At the risk of triggering an overly defensive Mongo response (which seems pretty easy to do BTW)

    I just suggested that maybe......just maybe it would be smart business to establish a FAQ so that new people could read it instead of running the gauntlet in here or remaining silent for fear of ridicule. Seems it would benefit everyone. Unless of course I'm right and it provides way too much evil fun to make fun of people who can't figure out cryptic rulebooks and allows them to feel all smart to boot. :D

    Hey you know what, my real aim is to try to fix the situation, and I suspect that legal issues may have a part in the FAQ not being done. So if someone will donate web hosting space I'll volunteer to start compiling all the stupid questions and the respective plain speak answers. Can't promise a lot of work on it until after the end of August, but hell I'm on an Endurance team that generates most of the damn questions anyhow. :D
  2. Roach

    Roach Yamaha Catapult Tester

    And that would have been a very valid question ... meaning you had at least read the rule book, but weren't quite sure what it meant. Replace "crossover race" with "multi-region event" and it makes perfect sense.

    Perhaps having the rulebook terminology/wording cleaned up rather than a FAQ containing the same information is a better idea?

    - Roach
  3. DAL

    DAL Active Member

    Now let me ask a simple question. How many of us have needed an answer to a question and instead of looking it up which is the proper method, we ask a fellow worker or even a stranger for the answer. This is the norm, not the exception. Example: "Hey what is the torque spec for this 125 Yamaha head bolt." The answer to all questions are somewhere. Human nature generally has us take the easy way out especially when the other way is a rocky road that will take more effort and could result with more questions than answer. I quess my point here is that if you feel the question could be answered by looing in the rule book or if you think the question is stupid, you have the right to simply not respond. It seems, however, that some simply can't miss an opportunity to try to be a comedian or make others feel stupid. This is a personality problem. Try this, instead of stating the response to the post in a mean vain try to make it positive. Here is an example. " Hey Dude, I know things can be confusing when your new so here goes. You will be gridded base on your points position. If you are first in points in your area, you an any other person who is racing who is first in their area will be randomly gridded on the front row and then those who are second in their regions will be arranged in the same manner. Oh, ya. A lot of these questions can be found in the rulebook that was sent to you and if you have lost that you can also go to the online rulebook. Have a nice day!!! See ya at the races." See how this got the information out and made noone feel like they are a lesser person. If this doesn't get the point across there is one other thing that I have tried to remember, and that is what my mother told me when I was a very young child " If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all."

    Everyday life gets ugly and nasty often enough. We are in a chat room dealing with a sport that we use partially to get away from that nastiness. Let's just all try to get along, have fun and let the competition be on the race track not the BBS.

    Have a nice day!!!! Really!!!!
  4. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

  5. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned


    that was beautiful.....you a democrat?
  6. DAL

    DAL Active Member

    See!!!! Just could not say nothing. Had to make a rude comment. And to answer your other question..... Hell No! There were times when I thought Ronald Reagan was a little too far to the left for me. Does your question Imply that only Democrats can be civil? And now I get to the point where I will stop because I have nothing nice to say.
  7. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    dude, chill out. i am on your side. see post above where i agree with flipitty ta-tas

    people are going to joke around. ridicule is not necessary, but there is going to be ribbing and just general joking. i have noticed the bigger problem is in the response.

    a ribbing that is ignored or just rolled with is actually enjoyable.

    a ribbing that is reacted to severely is where the problem usually starts.

    we can stop the ridiculing, but let's not quit joking around....the board will just turn into a boring fact-fest.
  8. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I thought this was informative without bieng mean. This guy gave a real answer. It may have needed more detail, but it was a good base to work off of.

    You know what, I love this guy.
  9. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    give yourself a great big hug....
  10. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I might just do that, but I have to be careful. I don't want my keyboard to get messed up like some other peoples around here
  11. DAL

    DAL Active Member

    Hey Stickman, I guess I just over reacted to your post. Sorry about that. Have a nice day and I will try and find my sense of humor again. This week has been bad due to the long drive to RA when the forcast is for it to rain like a cow pissing on a flat rock. 13 hours each way to race in the rain. Oh boy, I can't wait. Sorry again about the over reaction.
  12. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    what about me? you like me too?
  13. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Wait a minute, you were talking about me? I was tryin to be helpful. I thought you were doggin out these other a-holes, not that there's anything wrong with bieng an a-hole.

    Now my feelings are hurt. To make up for it you must locate a keg and bring a beer to the Bridgestone trailer this weekend. If you don'......I'll have to go get one for myself.
  14. DAL

    DAL Active Member

    Just can't seem to get past this A.D.D. that I have. The over reaction was to Jigmoore. Stickboy, I don't know where I got the Stickman handle and I don't know what I was talking about in my last post. This probably does not give you a lot of confidence when it comes to possibly being on the track with me. I will state however that all my mental problems go away when I put the helmet on and go racing. I think I will go to sleep now before I make an even more unintelligible post. Ya'll have fun with this one.
  15. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    Huh.. "helmet on, brain off"? :confused: :D BTDT
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2004
  16. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    i love everyone.
  17. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I'm not really worried about what you said, I just want a beer.

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