A letter from Johnny Rea

Discussion in 'General' started by Steeltoe, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

  2. Yama-saurus

    Yama-saurus Well-Known Member

    Is an honor for sure but JR needs to pay attention, do some research or look at history books...

    John McGuinness got MBE last year and previous MBE recipients are John Surtees, Gary Hocking, Jim Redman, Mike Hailwood, Phil Read, Barry Sheene, Joey Dunlop, and Carl Fogarty.
  3. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    MBE's yes, but he specifically said had both the MBE AND OBE (Officer of the British Empire) which is a more prestigious award.
  4. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    Hailwood also got the George Medal.
  5. ClemsonsR6

    ClemsonsR6 Well-Known Member

    Looks like you need to hit the "reading comprehension" books.
    The Great One and BigBird like this.
  6. Chain

    Chain Well-Known Member

    the ultimate boy scout badge
  7. motoboy

    motoboy Well-Known Member

    Sammy Miller has an MBE, but I think deserves an OBE more than Rea.
  8. Ducati89

    Ducati89 Ticketing Melka's dirtybike

    Sorry, MBE? I got Officer of the British Empire.

    Perks that come along with these titles?
  9. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    MBE = member of the office of the british empire or something close.

    3rd ranked order behind OBE that Rea also got, and then there's the top level title above that.

    Perks? Reprint your business cards to add some initials I guess. :D
  10. Ducati89

    Ducati89 Ticketing Melka's dirtybike

    I think its more noble than other people using a title out of context. Its well earned.
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Fuck...can't you guys just be happy for another rider getting an honor?
  12. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    I'd assume tons of pussy.
    Ducati89 likes this.
  13. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    Great way to cap a hard fought season that ended the title streak.
    younglion likes this.
  14. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    Watching Rea's youtube series the past 2 years and if there was ever a guy who DIDN'T come off as a skirt-chaser - it's him. Mr. Domesticated.

    So I guess the perk might be lost on him?

    Maybe give it to 2017 vintage Scott Redding?
    BigBird likes this.
  15. sbk1198

    sbk1198 Well-Known Member

    Scott's engaged now, so he probably shouldn't be chasing tail anymore either lol
  16. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    Exactly why I said "2017 vintage" Redding. :beer:
    sbk1198 likes this.
  17. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    My Dad got one of those "honours" can't remember what it was, something lower down on the pecking order. He never cared much for that sort of thing and made up some excuse so he didn't have to go to Buck House and get it.
  18. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    MBE (Member of the British Empire), and especially OBE (Officer of the British Empire), are super big accomplishments. CBE (Commander) is the next step up, and there is a limited number of them - someone has to kick off before someone else can be conferred CBE. Above CBE is literal knighthood.

    This is super cool for Johnny. It's comparable to a Medal of Honor, but for civilian accomplishments. He deserves it, and it's something he, his children, and his grandchildren will be proud of.

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