Need help with engine case clutch side broken flange

Discussion in 'Tech' started by m39023, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. m39023

    m39023 Member

    Wondering if I can get advice from folks that may have experienced this.

    Was working on my clutch and found a small leak around the area and come to find this happened. Lucky that I caught it before the piece fell inside.

    Do you guys think this is repairable? JB weld or find a real good welder to cap off the hole....
    I dont think rtv can fix this....or can I be that lucky.

    Thank you.

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  2. CBR723

    CBR723 Well-Known Member

    Find I welder that will build it back up then use cover as drill guide then tap it for new threads. Use a little sealant on that fastener to help ensure it won't leak. It's 50/50 but the other option is way more expensive. I've had it done before, you may need to remove clutch for access and clean SUPER good as that oil residue will not help the welding.
    busa99 likes this.
  3. m39023

    m39023 Member

    thanks you. Finding a welder thats willing to do it has been a challenge. They require in taking the engine internals apart.
  4. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    wheres the broken piece???
    I would seal the gasket in that area. Shouldnt be much oil there any way.
    Or you could jb weld a stud in place and run a flange bolt.
    CR750 likes this.
  5. beathiswon

    beathiswon Well-Known Member

    I've had a little experience with using those Aluminum Soldering Rods that you can get on Ebay, Harbor Freight, etc. There is a video that I've seen, but can't find now, where you build up the broken part with the "soldering" material over a steel bolt that's in place. Requires a propane or MAP gas (better) torch. Takes a little skill not to overheat the aluminum cases but is plenty strong for this type of repair. As mentioned you'll need to remove the clutch and get the area very clean. Use a large washer on the bolt and you won't have to do too much, if any, cleanup to have a flush repair with the gasket surface. The bolt will just unscrew and you'll have a perfectly threaded hole.
  6. m39023

    m39023 Member

    Here it is...was thinking of JB welding it on but im not sure if its an added risk. I like the stud idea, cut to size and jb weld around it. Thank you!

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    TurboBlew likes this.
  7. m39023

    m39023 Member

    I might have seen something like this on Instram ad. Still trying to visualize this idea...but I think I get it. Thank you!

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