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Yellowstone paramount network

Discussion in 'General' started by pfhenry, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. pfhenry

    pfhenry Well-Known Member

    not bad so far...
  2. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    Wild Wild West :) We're gunna kill em
  3. Gixxerguy855

    Gixxerguy855 Well-Known Member

    That assault scene on Beth was intense! Good stuff so far.
  4. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    they're gonna kill Tate. that sucks! Ski
  5. That was nuts, love the scene with Costner "what are we going to do about the Beck brothers", we are going to kill em son
  6. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Why was home girl being so mean to the dude shoveling shit in the barn?
  7. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    It's her brother who is a big pussy.
    She blames him for her moms death
  8. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Didn't look like him. Maybe I didn't recognize him with the ball cap on.
  9. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    I would let her kick my ass!
  10. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    That final scene. When they were running. And the vastness of the land around them. Across that field?

    Some fine fking cinema right there lads.
  11. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    So, slightly confused here.....from what I saw, Jamie had nothing to do with their mothers death and Beth had alot to do with it....???

    I also wondered what her issue with him was at that point. How did you come to that conclusion? what did I miss?

    Killing Tate is gonna suk. They took him, but when their jet explodes on the way to Jackson Hole, they will.......remember after planting the bomb, Kasey telling dad something to the effect of "I hope you never have to make up with them cuz its done."

    The Beth beating was pretty rough. What bothered me more than that extreme violence, was them drawing it out with so many shots of her face afterwards.

    I enjoyed the Beth / Monica deal in the boutique.

    My favorite character so far is Rip.......I liked Walker too.....glad he didnt get on the long black train....
  12. MV Rider

    MV Rider Well-Known Member

    Really like the show. I think they will get Tate rescued before the plane takes off.
  13. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

  14. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    They were all just kids when their mom was killed in that horse accident......

    Maybe.....earlier when Beth and Jamie were in the truck, after he picked her up drunk in the morning, They got at it and she pulled a gun out of the glovebox......put it to her chin.....Jamie told her to "Do it, make the world a better place", or something like that.

    Sounds like I'm not the only one guessing why.

  15. We must be watching the same show, agree with you on this :) I also thought the Beth stuff was drawn out a bit too much, the extreme violence is part of the effect but I just think they drew it out too long.

    I am thinking they may throw a wrench in it and the plane will blow up but Tate may not be on it... Who really knows but I think the ending of this show will not end up happy for the Dutton's or anyone... Maybe Tate lives, rest of them die and they show a shot of him 20 years later taking over the ranch. Maybe Monica and Kasey somehow end up on the plane trying to rescue Tate? Maybe Rip just kicks all their asses and takes over everything. By far I think he is the best character.
  16. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Great show huh?....and I'm no "TV Fan", hardly ever turn it on......my Dad turned me onto it.

    When I typed my first reply about Tate and the plane, I hadnt really thought about him being on it.....what I meant was that if they have Tate held somewhere, and the brothers plane blows up, the brothers reaction would probably be kill Tate in response, and it wouldnt be pretty.....that would be really bad, Kasey putting the nail in his sons coffin......I'm now seeing that could happen if Tate is onboard as well (nail).

    Here's one that I thought was way out there, even for USN Seal Kasey......how the heck did he get those 2 guys who beat Beth stripped down, transported, and strung up at Becks house???.....all within the same night?

    Some of the timeframes just seem whacked to me.......its frikkin Montana (well, Utah, but Montana;))......Things are pretty far apart in Montana.......Rip making it to Beths office from the ranch in what seemed minutes........Kasey sabotaging the plane in a different city, and making it home before sunrise.

    Maybe I'm just picky, and it is TV after all.
  17. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Q: Why does the clover kill the cows?.....gastro issues? cant digest?

    Maybe some of you cowpokes can educate me.
  18. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    ???? My parents plant clover in their pastures for the cows to eat. It also returns nitrogen to the soil, making it better for grass later.

    Edit: apparently since it's a legume (technically a type of bean) it can cause them to have gas and bloat if they gorge on it: https://beef.unl.edu/clovergood
    Gixxerguy855 likes this.
  19. ya i wondered what type of space ship they have but over look some stuff. Clover causes massive bloat in cattle if digested in large quantities, some can learn to adapt to a bit of it but in general should be, and is avoided unless part of a more balanced mix. Sweet clover is actually pretty good for weight gain in cows but in moderation. Its the reason Rip grabbed the knife to try to puncture the first cow, due to bloat. When cows eat that much clover all at once its like giving a seagull alka-seltzer.
  20. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Thanx gents:beer:

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