Books about racing

Discussion in 'General' started by tiggen, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    I like reading about racing, mainly because I don't get to do it as much as I'd like. I'll read anything: history or technique, two wheels or four, any series.

    I know there are also great movies, many of which I own, and I can spend hours on Youtube, but I want to talk about BOOKS ONLY.

    Have any favorites? Any must reads?

    Here are a few of my faves:

    Speed Secrets
    Fast Guys, Rich Guys, and Idiots
    An Unfair Advantage
    Go Like Hell
    Race to Win
    Life at the Limit
  2. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    "The Privateer" Jon Ekerold's story of his racing life in South Africa and Europe in the 70's and early 80's. Fascinating insight into GP racing as a privateer during those years.
    "The Kiwi on the Konig" a biography of Kim Newcombe who was the first New Zealander to win a 500cc Grand Prix and finished as runner up in the 1973 World Championship, splitting the MV's of Read and Agostini on what amounted to a home made bike.
    tiggen likes this.
  3. terminus est

    terminus est Be prepared

    Stealing Speed by Mat Oxley

    Maybe the greatest book ever written.
    RRP, panthercity, ChuckS and 2 others like this.
  4. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    High Side.
  5. Mugen

    Mugen Well-Known Member

    The fast stuff by Mat Oxley
  6. RichB

    RichB Well-Known Member

    It's a book about a racer, and he's a pretty cool dude, just ask him
    tiggen likes this.
  7. Karting by J7O
  8. motoboy

    motoboy Well-Known Member

    Ring of Fire by Rick Broadbent was entertaining.
    tiggen likes this.
  9. craig641

    craig641 Well-Known Member

    Hunt for "Techniques of Motor Cycle Road Racing" by the king Kenny Roberts.
    panthercity likes this.
  10. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I don't remember the author but there's a good biography on John Britten out there.
  11. Ra.Ge. Raptor

    Ra.Ge. Raptor wanna_be_fast

    Is this the best book about riding techniques?
    What other books should someone definitely have on this specific subject?
    Thread jacking alert :D sorry op... :cool:
  12. Smilodon

    Smilodon Wannabe

    I'm currently reading "Chris Carter at Large", which is a series of short stories from somebody who has been in the racing world for ages. It has been a fun read so far, just getting to the era of American/Australian domination.

    Not directly racing related (but racing plays a major part) is "Whatever Happened to the British Motorcycle Industry". The story told by somebody who was there and worked at a high-level for most of the major brands. An interesting piece of history and taught me a lot about an era that was pretty much gone by the time I started riding.

    On Britten stories, the most popular one is the Felicity Price one, which is authorized I believe. I read a much more extensive "unauthorized" one by Tim Hanna. It is a bit hard to find now, but I can definitely recommend it.
    tiggen likes this.
  13. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    On my list.
  14. motoboy

    motoboy Well-Known Member

    There's a biography of Sammy Miller. I forgot the name and it's probably impossible to get....but if you can find it, it's really good. Half road race and half trials.

    I bought mine at his museum and had him sign it.
  15. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    You mean Watts and Twats? Entertaining at first, but went down hill quickly.
  16. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    "The Art and Science of Motorcycle Road Racing" by Peter Clifford, might be a bit difficult to find, it was published by the same people who do the Motocourse books.

    Tim Hanna also wrote the book about Kim Newcombe that I referenced earlier.
  17. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I think it's the Tim Hanna one I have. Name sounds familiar.
  18. I have that somewhere. It’s a great read.
  19. Like a novice skier getting dropped off by a chopper on a mountain. Looked cool until the first barrel roll
    tiggen likes this.

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