Brad's Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Texracer85, Jun 12, 2001.

  1. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    i thought i was wrong once,but i was mistaken! [​IMG]
  2. hy_syde

    hy_syde Well-Known Member

    dang... sure glad i moved to texas....
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    where is corn row texas?
  4. hy_syde

    hy_syde Well-Known Member

    BTW, when exactly am i going to start gettn fast??? gotta hurry if i wanna win that first World Championship before i hit 30!
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    i always say as soon as someone else starts paying for my bikes.

    BTW. you are in austin,only people from "corn row" texas are fast.{apparently}

    [This message has been edited by brad wilson (edited 06-14-2001).]
  6. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  7. Comet117

    Comet117 Well-Known Member

    How do you find Texas?...go West until you smell it & then head South until you step in it!

    ['scuse me, I gotta' go, I think my phone is ringing...]

    Go "Texas Trailer Trash" [​IMG]'s that BW?
  8. hy_syde

    hy_syde Well-Known Member

    u darn yankees... thats the directions to MEXICO that we give to all u northerners...
  9. Comet117

    Comet117 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]I Luv the Republic of Texas [​IMG]...I was just trying to get ya'll fired up...slow day at the salt mine.

    Sorry, no harm intended,... "Do you know why Florida will never fall off into the ocean?...'cause Georgia sucks so bad..."

    Anyone know whats up with Team MotoLiberty?..I used to see Audrey & the Boyz out supporting some 125s.

    ps-"Go Tenacious Texan",or how about the "Texas Trophy Taker"..hehehe.

    [This message has been edited by Joseph Thomas Davidson Jr (edited 06-15-2001).]
  10. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  11. racesbikes

    racesbikes WTB a Size 50/60 Race Suit

    I was always told Texas was like a 90 year old women's's down there and everyone knows it, but who really cares.

    I thought Colon Edwards XXXVIII was an Aussie. We all know even being a Texan is better than that.

    Colon E XXXVIII has a cool Cadillac though.

  12. Comet117

    Comet117 Well-Known Member

    He does have a serious Caddy ! [​IMG]
  13. racesbikes

    racesbikes WTB a Size 50/60 Race Suit

    I've got a 1969 Convertible Coupe DeVille that is similar...hell of a lot of fun. Eight miles to the gallon sucks though. Why the hell are we talking about cars? My vote for best Texas racer is Lyle Lovett, he slept with Julia Roberts and doesn't have to worry about helmet hair.
  14. Comet117

    Comet117 Well-Known Member

    Or ever getting a concussion [​IMG]
  15. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

  16. hy_syde

    hy_syde Well-Known Member

    damn, that is a close call dood.. if i had to choose between winning a World Championship or sleeping wit Julia Roberts..... i would pick...

    wait, do we want an honest answer or the one my wife would want me to say??

  17. Comet117

    Comet117 Well-Known Member

    Living here it you would think it would be convenient to just jump across the state line to buy beer when midnite hits, but all of the counties around here are dry!! ...although, I have figured out how Tracee makes it to TGPR in only a half-hour. [​IMG]
  18. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    I've always wondered, do we subconciously assume that because someone is famous they must be a great lay? Or maybe it's that claim to fame that makes us drawn to them...
  19. hy_syde

    hy_syde Well-Known Member

    its the old guy thing dood.. regardless of whether she is a great lay, just telln yer buds that u bagg'd her would be worth it!!!
  20. TX racer

    TX racer Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Lyle would probably have to be the one. Although didn't K.S. bag a Malya princess, and a Penthouse pet, and others? Where is Kevin when you need details! [​IMG]

    And Julia says that she loves Texas, especially Austin. And you also have Sandra Bullock, and Charlize Theron who has a small place here. And a bunch of famous guys also, but who cares about them [​IMG]

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