CRC phone #

Discussion in 'General' started by alienator, Aug 16, 2000.

  1. alienator

    alienator Well-Known Member

    Anyone know how to get a hold of CRC, the cornerworkers at Nelson? I'm tryin to find someone who saw my get-off and my be able to 'splain things to me.

    TL-R still for sale, BTW.
  2. SteveBell

    SteveBell Well-Known Member


    Hope you're feeling better and welcome to the Titanium Club. (For those of you who don't know, joining is simple but painful. Just 4 easy steps. Crash, break body, get transport, receive titanium in surgery. I received 6 screws and a rod here, how much did you get?) I didn't hear what happened to you while I was in the tower announcing, but I heard it was a pretty scary get-off. Get well man!

    Steve Bell
  3. alienator

    alienator Well-Known Member

    Jeez, all I got was a rod and three screws...and 2 clots a week later and long term anti-coag. therapy.

    The get off happened so quick it weren't scary, for a high side anyway, and slidin down the track were a breeze. It was seein my bike flyin through the air at me (at T9 speed) and landin on me that made cry for mommy.

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