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When to stop racing?

Discussion in 'General' started by klebs01, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa


  2. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    Dude I'm so glad you are ok. This was turn 6 on Saturday at Road America right? From what I heard they had to cut your chain to get your head out from the chain / wheel and the helmet was still lodged in there. When we saw the helicopter we knew it was not good. During the riders meeting Sunday Rick Bruer said you were going to be ok and the entire paddock gave you a hand of applause. Heal up. Collect your thoughts and do what you think is the right thing to do. It's not anybody else's decision but your own. If you truely love racing enough you will be back. If you decide to hang it up I wouldn't blame you one bit. Everyone has their time to go. Saturday was not your time so must have some important shit to take care of still.

    I talked to another guy Saturday night but forgot his name. He got hit in the back by a motorcycle in the tangle up and went through the grass and was tangled up with several bikes. When he looked down while still up on 2 wheels he thought his fairing came off and was around his waste. It wasn't his fairing from his bike. Around his waste was someone else's fairing. Maybe yours?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  3. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    You named your kid Ruckus?:D
  4. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    Simply give it time man, heal up first totally and then re evaluate the importance of it to yourself then. For some of US it is simply what we do and what we are driven by.
  5. BigBird

    BigBird blah


    Glad to hear you'll be ok in the long run, but having to cut the chain and the helmet was still stuck, on top of what you remember WOW :wow:
  6. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    was that English you just Said?
  7. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    It's funny because at the Isle of Man this year only half the people could understand my American / Midwestern English. My friend from Manchester said to me "You Americans FUCKED UP the English Language". LMAO!
  8. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    My ENGLISH ENGLISH is total CRAP- to many pies and sex at school instead of study I guess, but I laugh to myself some times on here with my really bad spelling, I think fuk it, those fuk tards that basterdised the English language will know NO better:crackup:
  9. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    Real simple trick man, you need to look them in the eyes when talking, and slow your speech down a wee bit, they will then understand every single word you say.

    But they are only POMS, so fek them anyway
  10. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    Yea Ok. Tell Guy Martin to slow down because I can't understand a word that crazy bastard says. I had to rewind the documentary about him about 100 times through the video. WTF did he just say?

    We just bastardized this guys thread. Sorry dude.
  11. tittys04

    tittys04 Well-Known Member

    Actually, when I met Guy at Pike's Peak, I could understand everything very clearly. I think it was just because he was over here and not across the ponds with a bunch of other slack jawed brits :D
  12. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Nope, 'merikan!
  13. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Americans and British, two peoples divided by a common language...
  14. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    And Kiwi and Aussies, British history yes, but NOT brits
  15. sbhockey

    sbhockey Orange shirt #157

    Great advice. Pain go's away, bones and scars heal, regret is forever.
  16. migkilr

    migkilr Tool

    I've walked away from roadracing 4 times. Finally achieved all my goals and wondered what I was spending all the money for and walked away again 1 1/2 years ago. Got into supermoto, motocross and rc airplanes. I'm happy. If I change my mind again, I'll put a bike together and head back out to the track.
  17. opinion914

    opinion914 Well-Known Member

    Is it still fun?
  18. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Your helmet popped off and your head got wedged WHERE? Jesus H. Fuck. You are lucky to still be here. That's a freak accident if I've ever heard of one.

    Listen to Shaun. Give it up completely until you're healed. Do something else for a while to get back into doing something physically, and when and if you're ready, then head back out for a trackday, and then out for a race once you feel comfortable.

    If you don't have passion for it anymore, say fuck it and find something else fun to do. If you still have the passion and fire that got you out there to begin with, then have at it.
  19. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    When it's not fun anymore.
  20. Hollywood

    Hollywood different breed

    I gave it up after 8 years because the other things I am interested in doing/seeing/experiencing now require the time and money that roadracing took. I also tend to go all in on stuff(complete immersion), and I think I ran the course as far as my forward progression regarding talent.

    Don't get me wrong, I've made amazing friends and awesome memories racing motorcycles, teaching at schools and participating in the local track org's(MARRC) trackdays. I'll still volunteer weekends putting up airfence, working a flag station or driving a crash truck when I can.

    I love racing and competing. I'll always race. Maybe a mountainbike, maybe an extreme trek, maybe other stuff. Maybe one day I'll get back to roadracing motorcycles, who knows.

    One thing is for sure tho, get out while you are still in control of your life and you are having fun. I've seen a lot of really good people try to force control of a lot of tough situations and end up being forced out of racing because they end up broken physically or financially or both.

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