Outlook 2013 won't show old emails - help?

Discussion in 'General' started by Hotfoot, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Hotfoot

    Hotfoot Well-Known Member

    I have a new employee (started in January) who has a new computer with Outlook 2013 (Office 365). For some screwball reason her Outlook only shows emails received in the last two weeks, nothing any older. She can search for and find older emails in her Inbox, so they do still exist in her account.

    All filters are turned off, there is no archiving set up, and we (meaning me and our IT department) have checked every setting we can think of, including: view settings, archive options, offline settings, etc. She is using Outlook connected directly via internal network to an Exchange and not connected to any other device (no POP 3). I even tried creating a custom view with SQL to show all emails back to Dec 2013 - and it still shows only items from the last two weeks.

    When I Google this issue I find that other users have experienced the exact same thing (Exchange only showing emails within the last two weeks) but there seemed to be no solutions and any Microsoft answers have just been "send more info".

    Has anyone else run across this, or have any additional ideas on what to check? Is this an Outlook 2013 bug?
  2. AZ-MilleR

    AZ-MilleR Well-Known Member

    Are you using Caching mode to Exchange? Are they visible using Outlook Web Access?
  3. SonicDuck

    SonicDuck Flying Feather Duster

  4. Hotfoot

    Hotfoot Well-Known Member

    Yes we are using Cache but I checked the slider (I found that same link online) and it is set to All. Also I tried turning the Cache mode off entirely and restarted Outlook, that didn't seem to make a difference. Thre shouldn't be any storage limitations, the drive we have is enormous.

    In Outlook Web Access you can't see any older items either, just the two weeks worth.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014

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