It just keeps getting funnier

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Dave K, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

  2. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Fess up Dave:

    "In another claim, she said she slipped on a puddle of hand lotion in 1991 while shopping at an Orange City Walgreen's pharmacy, causing "permanent injury, disability, disfigurement (and) mental anguish." The case was thrown out. "

    It was your hand lotion, wasn't it??
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Nope, there was no report of a laughing idiot repeatedly running her over with the floor buffer.

    A shiny slip and fall artist is a happy slip and fall artist.

    But somtime I'll tell you about some of the stuff my previous company got sued for. Funny ass sh@t.
  4. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    As a jaded and cynical attorney, there is not much that would surprise me anymore!!
  5. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Didn't involve nail guns and kerosene heaters, did it?
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Hell no. It was more " your product X turned my hair green", "Your product turned my skin blue", "your product stole my soul" type of deals.
  7. RichardLesher

    RichardLesher Well-Known Member

  8. rob600rider

    rob600rider THE MAN

    When i worked at the radisson, a woman sued over her son finding a xxx movie box behind the dresser....
    I left before I could see the outcome, but I really don't think she won.

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