Trampoline, who's got one. How not to get sued?

Discussion in 'General' started by assjuice cyrus, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Anybody can act stupid on anything. I just don't get how a trampoline is a public menace but a fenced swimming pool is not.
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    swimming pools can be as bad or worse. I'll never have a house with one because of the insurance hassles involved with having one.

    John Edwards mad millions suing a pool drain company.
  3. lawdog359

    lawdog359 Well-Known Member

    Trampoline open and visible = attractive nuisance.

    And they are dangerous as hell. I dealt with a number of broken juvenile femurs in a previous life...
  4. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Everything is dangerous with unsupervised kids.
  5. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    probably not.

    more because we don't have dirt here in NYC. :D
  6. zertrider

    zertrider Waiting for snow. Or sun.

    All this whining about how dangerous a trampoline is on a motorcycle road racing forum. On a per capita basis, I am sure there are just as many or more kids with broken bones from riding dirt bikes or getting or a roadrace bike as there is with trampolines.:confused:

    Anyone else see the irony here??
  7. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    when you say it like that.....nope :D
  8. 418

    418 Expert #59

    I was just about to post. :D

    Amazing how people can compartmentalize things in their mind.
  9. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    It's because trampolines are more accessible. Most people don't have the land for their kids to enjoy dirtbikes, and most kids would rather have an ATV than a dirtbike, even if they aren't old enough to legally ride the ATV they want.
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Trampoline will mess you up under supervision!
  11. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    I didn't have any problems with the trampoline growing up, but I never jumped off the house onto the trampoline, either.
  12. 418

    418 Expert #59

    I just looked at the stats. 390 kids drown per year. As far as trampolines about 6 kids died between 1990 and 1999 due to injuries. This is about the only thing I could find quickly.

    390 a year vs. 6 per ten years.
  13. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    what about broken limbs, paralysis, concussions? are all of the drownings in a swimming pool, or are oceans, bathtubs, rivers, lakes, streams included?

    grey, not always black and white.
  14. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    The major risk with trampolines isn't death, though.

    (And as a general rule, you have to compare usage when you compare numbers.)
  15. 418

    418 Expert #59

    You ride a 500HP street bike but you're scared of trampolines. Think about that one for a minute. :Poke:
  16. 418

    418 Expert #59

    They're my statistics and I'll manipulate them as I see fit.
  17. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    I've seen the YouTube vids....lots of places to ride in the NYshitty and even better, the cops don't bother you!:D
  18. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    I am also not bouncing uncontrollably on my busa.
    a trampoline does not come with a throttle
    ever see kids on trampolines with helmets, gloves, neck protectors?
  19. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    The key word being, "uncontrollably."
  20. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member


    you can control gravity now? :D


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