Nutrition/diet question

Discussion in 'General' started by SpeedyE, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Hey- don't forget almonds and walnuts, and really good olive oil (not the kind in your food store)...take a look at the Mediterranean Diet to give you some good ideas.
  2. SupermotoFan

    SupermotoFan deep Clothing Company

    What's the latest?
  3. charles

    charles The Transporter

    All furloughed gov't employees will be eating at McDonalds and Wendy's, dollar menu.
  4. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    Your ears are burning.
    I was actually planning on finding/posting in this thread tonight, after work!!!! How weird is that?!?! :beer:

    Been redbull and sugar/candy/popcycle free since the last post.
    Smoking down to 1.5 packs.
    Drinking gallon of water a day.
    Eating several meals a day, and not gorging at restaurants (ordering/eating less). Diet is better, but far from correct....just getting used to everything. If I rush anything, I'll burn out quick....A.D.D.
    So far, so good though.
    Trying to eat cleaner, and take in more protein and less carbs/sugars.

    Joined a gym last Sunday. I'm 5'8" at 200 w/ 25% fat = 50lbs of solid fat on me :Poke: and ZERO muscle(s)

    Sunday, stretched.
    Monday, upper body w/ 10lbs or lightest stack-weight + lots of stretching. Just did a couple sets at 50% of failure/reps
    Tuesday off.
    Wed/today, legs w/ body weight, or lightest stack weight and lots of stretching. No real assertion of muscle yet.
    Tommorrow off.

    Do not want to get sore, so I am just giving my body time to get used to the movements/groove w/out weight, and feeling my muscles stretch. I guess I am basically doing isometrics, and doing them far from failure or a real burn.
    I can tell I am really physically weak though. I can also tell I will never get back close to any comparable strength I used to have, with out injury. That boat has long sailed w/ my youth :(

    Imma just iso/stretch for a few weeks, before I try and add a little weight and go for a muscle burn. I'm in no hurry, don't want an injury....lotsa weak links (old injuries) in my body :D
    While I am doing this, imma study nutrition, and learn to cook clean foods. The farther in I get to actually lifting/working, the more serious I will get w/ my diet as I don't want to waste my time in the gym, and then eat poorly.

    Felt so good to feel my muscles stretch out....been a long, long time.
    Goal is 185lbs w/10% body fat in 1 year. Gotta lose 30ibs fat and gain 15lbs of muscle.
    If I don't get injured (chronic issues) and there is actually a thing called muscle memory, I might be able to pull it off....Only time will tell :)

    Thanks :beer:
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
  5. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    This is kinda what I am thinking of doing....

    Day 1) Chest
    Day 2) Legs
    Day 3) Off
    Day 4) Back
    Day 5) Shoulders
    Day 6) Off
    Day 7) Arms
    Day 8) Off

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Don't bother with isolation exercises at this point (arms/shoulders), you're just wasting time and effort. Think upper body and lower body. Do big, compound movements that involve many muscle groups: bench for chest and tris, overhead presses for shoulders and tris, pullups and rows for your back and biceps, and squats and deadlifts for legs. Throw in some core work and you'll be good.

    I do:

    Sun - Off

    Mon - HIT Cardio - hill sprints

    Tue - Upper body: pushups, reverse pushups, ring dips, pullups, incline dumbell press, reverse flys, and some arm work to finish up (for vanity).

    Wed - Lower body/Core: Front squats, cleans, deadlifts, planks, crunches, hyperextensions

    Thur - HIT Cardio - more hill sprints

    Fri - repeat Tuesday

    Sat - repeat Wednesday
  7. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    I meant in a a few weeks, right now I am upper/lower.

    You really think I can do pushups/rings/sprints?!?!?!:D:D:D:D
    I don't think you understand what a fat, out of shape, muscleless, short of breath guy you are dealing with, here :crackup: :beer:
  8. rc-rick

    rc-rick Well-Known Member

    Lol. I do. I need to get to work also. Need to get into shape to throw the 250 around and keep in front of the skinny kids.
  9. marshdrummer

    marshdrummer Well-Known Member

  10. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    WTF!?!?! :wow:

    I quit drinking redbull (4x large size a day) and stopped eating popsicles (1 box of Lotta Pops a night) and went from gorging 1 huge meal a night to 3 smaller meals and 2x whey protein/H20, and cut out all junk food, and from drinking no water to a gallon a day and I am now fatter. Protein and vegetables is all I am eating.

    I went from 24% body fat to 26.5 in like 10 days (been working out for 10 days).
  11. Mud Whistle

    Mud Whistle Get my icebike ON!

    How did you measure bodyfat?
  12. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    What is in your protein shake?
  13. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

  14. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    EAS pure whey (13g a scoop) 3-scoops at a time, mixed w/ H2O, morning & B4 bed. And I am doing super light weight, isometric, hi-intensity...soaked in sweat. Not making sense
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  15. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    looked like a video game controller...plugged in height/wt/age/etc...then squeezed the handles :(
  16. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Those aren't necessarily the most accurate. If you want an accurate reading you have to get a POD reading as far as I understand but I'm sure others have better/more accurate info on this topic.

    Questions: Do you feel better? Have your clothes started to get a little big for you? What are you eating for the other 3 meals?

    BTW, if you answered yes to question number 1, then that's all that matters IMO. My advice: don't weigh yourself or take BF measurements as they can vary daily. Take some basic measurements of your body (waist, hips, chest, etc...) and then measure those on a monthly basis if you have to measure something. Keep going and don't give up...fatty :D
  17. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    It lies to you. What that thing is doing is trying to read the electrical impedance of your body, based upon how much water you should have at a given fat percentage. There are a thousand things that can throw it off significantly.

    At your fitness level, don't worry about weights and measurements. Focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit. If you absolutely have to, weigh yourself once per month under the exact same circumstances (time of day, same clothes/no clothes, after evacuating yourself of all liquid and solid waste, etc, etc) but even then it's not going to matter. As you replace fat with muscle your weight may not drop or it may even go up.
  18. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Good advice. The bathroom scale drives me bat-shit crazy. I gotta stay off the damn thing and rely more on how clothes fit and how things look in the mirror.
  19. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    Yeah, I do feel better and I can tell my posture is better. Cant sleep for shit though, lay awake most of the night.

    Varies, but basically
    1) whey/H2O and handful white rice and a few bites of greens.
    2) workout, followed w/ whey.
    3) hour later, fish/chicken and salad and small fruit.
    4) same as #3
    *sometimes another meal same as 3 & 4.
    5) whey/H2O couple bites of vegs, then bed
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  20. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    Gained 3lbs, not sure if that's a :) or a :( , yet

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