Chumpcar 14 Hours of Daytona This Weekend

Discussion in 'General' started by bitchcakes, May 24, 2012.

  1. Ontheedgeprsprt

    Ontheedgeprsprt Pumpkin riders

    A BMW!!! Get a real race car. We raced a 92 corsica last year at summit point. 2nd gear went out after about an hour. Rear ended another car, new radiator, fender junk, hood junk and held down with ratchet strap. Hit the wall once. tranny went out completely at the end of the race. 4 tires trashed, 4 new ones almost gone. But it was fun. Good luck

    Whats this redneck boat extravaganza about?
  2. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    A bunch of people anchor out in a little cove in Charlotte Harbor and party down. Live music, libations, grillin', bikinis...

  3. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Don't they do anything outrageous with Chump Car? There was a round of the 24 Hours of LeMons up at NHMS a few weeks ago. At an earlier round somebody ran a Miata with the powertrain from a Polaris snowmobile in it. At Loudon there was a Viking camper in the race. (See picture.) We just got our hands on a Nissan pickup truck that we'll be running in the fall round at NHMS.

    Last edited: May 25, 2012
  4. bitchcakes

    bitchcakes reluctant member

    Our team Lowbrau Porsche #59(BMW) ran flawlessly through the off and on torrential rain during the 14 hour race and finished just off the podium with a respectable 4th place finish. Attrition comprised of accidents and mechanical failure eliminated over half the 132 car field by the final hours. A Ford Probe (campaigned by Riley and Scott!) claimed the win, with one badass Saab turbo and an even badder-ass Mercedes 190 also on the podium. Had an absolute blast driving and coaxing the car through the long race. Exhausted...
    Last edited: May 28, 2012
  5. fullmetalF4i

    fullmetalF4i C. Lee #826

    congrats. would like to drive in one of those one day.
  6. bitchcakes

    bitchcakes reluctant member

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