Fastest crash

Discussion in 'General' started by tophyr, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. positraction127

    positraction127 Well-Known Member

    I did it once right at the apex on a 600, I'm guessing my actual speed was ~140 or so. I was fine but the bike was notso-hotso.

    Also went down in T2 once. That one was a little freakier because those trees looked pretty close when you're going right at them. Bike was destroyed in that one too.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
  2. SLLaffoon

    SLLaffoon Well-Known Member

    Only a couple somewhat highspeeds ones at Barber. One in the rain in the first backstraight chicane at Barber a few years ago and a weird one last year between turns 5 and 6ish. Not sure the exact speed in either case, but they were both in 4th-5th gear.
  3. Linker48X

    Linker48X Well-Known Member

    Daytona AHRMA practice, 1995, top of the east banking, riding along in top gear 125 or so, guy went between me and the wall and took my bars (I could have reached out and touched the wall, no more than 2 1/2 feet), and there I was, sliding along head first on my back, trying to figure out what just happened. I was doing great until I burned through my leathers and back protector and started grinding on my shoulder, and then I sort of started wiggling, which got me tumbling end over end and I ended up down on the apron, after a real eggbeater. Bike pretzeled, back and arms burned and ground down, everything bashed pretty good and toe and finger nails blackened. Silver taped to a backboard and hauled over to the hospital, but nothing broke, other than big toe, and I was okay in 2 months.
  4. rrrrrrrick

    rrrrrrrick Life begins at 150

    181 at Daytona front straight tapped out in 6th gear on an R1 in 2004, 3 broken ribs, broken pinky, broken collarbone, collapsed lung, consussion, huge friction burn on rt shoulder, Teknic leathers held up great, no skin hit pavement. The best part was after cutting off my leathers, the hospital lost them and reimbursed me 1100 dollars
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2011
  5. GoldStarRon

    GoldStarRon Well-Known Member

  6. bkeros

    bkeros Well-Known Member

    Mine was at the CCS Races at Daytona in the Spring of 2004. I was on my ex-Erion CBR 929, coming about 1/3-1/2 way to the start finish line when I was sideswiped by some guy...this on the white flag lap (wtf?!?).

    I was in 6th gear pinned, just before 12,000 rpm with basically street (i.e. tall) gearing when I went down. As coming off the banking at Daytona provides a three story "down ramp," you get a bit of extra speed. I'd estimate that I was going around 175+ mph.

    I slide for what seemed like forever, and my bike rolled, flipped and slid for another 200 yards or so...effectively breaking in half and bursting into flames by the time it stopped.

    I got up and walked away, with nothing but 2nd degree burns on the fingertips of my left hand...which I had put down as an outrigger to spin myself around to see who was about to run me over (no joke).

    My Dainese leathers from that crash still hang in my office....
  7. CP10R

    CP10R Im here to party!!

    Damn, your bike looks awful, glad you didnt get messed up though. The fastest ive been down was at 70, leathers were messed up and thankfully the bike didnt flip over, i didnt have a scratch. +-160 mph is SUPER fast to go down man:wow:

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