Road Atlanta July 4th Practice

Discussion in 'General' started by Mongo, Jun 16, 2003.

  1. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    How about this mental image?

    I think by ignoring the question Mongo is really saying this...

  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I''ve already answered the question, a number of times.
  3. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    But what about the final answer? :confused: I wasn't able to find any posts where you said which configuration we'll use.
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    What did the other answers say?
  5. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    The other answers said you hadn't decided yet. What's the hold up? :confused: :Poke:
  6. Team Serpent

    Team Serpent Jason Temme #86 WERA Lifetime Member

  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The other answers said I would post as soon as I knew what we were doing. As I haven't posted yet I'd say that pretty much answers the question.

    Another thing on the practice day - registration will start at 7am at the WERA trailer. We'll be on track at 9am. No thrusday night registration sorry.
  8. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    So the magic 8-ball keeps telling you to ask again later? :D
  9. VitoDuc19

    VitoDuc19 MIA

    I hope it was ok to add the practice in with my pre-registration? I really didn't want to wait in line.

  10. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

  11. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Mongo, I have 3 questions.

    1) Since there will be no registration on Thursday can I send in a form this Monday 6/23 to pre-register for Friday practice since WERA is running it?

    2) I just got the new Fastline in the mail this weekend and it states "...we will be opening up for Pre and Post entry from 1pm until 5pm on Friday." Is this still the case?

    3) In all seriousness, which configuration will we be running? I'm sure you have a pretty good idea so please spill the beans! :)

  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No pre entry for practice. It's a separate deal from the weekend under a separate contract with the track.

    Yes, we will be opnening registration and tech on friday for the weekend.

    I still don't know. I've gotten input in support of both and against both. I'm going to review the video tape one last time as it were with the boss and decide then.
  13. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Cool. Thank you very much for the answers!
  14. Laurie Acree

    Laurie Acree Well-Known Member

    Re: How about this mental image?

    Good googly Mongo THAT SHIRT! Good thing you are big enough to defend wearing it.:p

    Sort of reminds me of the fun shirts Brent Houston would wear.:)
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    LOL - I would have gone with Hawaiin but it's so passe ya know :D
  16. fat bloke

    fat bloke Well-Known Member

    i wouldnt mind doin the friday thing myself although i cant race the weekend, any chance some fat bloke from across the pond can get out there and do the practice sean?
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Fat bloke - don't see why not.

    All - We will be using the new section of racetrack in the T3-4 area.

    I looked at the tape again last night and this morning and there is no way that section of track caused either Woody or Rapps crashes. Where they hit is 2 actual turns away from where the new section rejoins the old course and there isn't any way to get from the new pavement to the crash site in a straight line.

    As for the other concerns, I agree that there are some possible issues however it is my opinion that they are less than the the issues the old layout raised.
  18. fat bloke

    fat bloke Well-Known Member

    cheers mate, hopfully parts will arrive from europe any day now and i,ll put the bike back together, i,m not bothered wot configuration we run as i,ve not done either before!! tom can show me the lines around there, then i,ll ignore his lines and use the fast ones instead..........
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2003
  19. Slick-101

    Slick-101 Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the update. I will be there that weekend and I'm wondering if I can do a half day of practice on Friday. Travel time is an issue on my end so I can't be at Road A til afternoon on Friday. I just want to check out the new section before the pre-race practice on saturday.

    I've raced with you guys quite a bit but have never done a WERA sponsored practice day before. Do you allow for half a day of practice for half price?

    Slick. Bracing for flames.
  20. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I'm pretty positive that 1/2 day will be an option. :)

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