Number plate color

Discussion in 'General' started by crakpantspaintr, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. That is the truth.

    The doc wrote some instructions on my physical therapy orders and i was like "wtf?". I could barely make out "ankle", had no idea what the rest of it was.

    He might have been telling them to try to get me to pull my ankle back and stick it up my ass. :crackup:
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
  2. bo1142

    bo1142 Dr. Mantis Toboggan

    If its just for trackdays, why even have a number plate? Just slap some stickers on the front a be done with it. If you have to do number plates, go with yellow. That will save you the time of repainting if you ever decide to race.

    Also, if you do white plates, go ahead and slap a #1 sticker on there.
  3. I know a guy that did that and he caught hell. :crackup:
  4. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

    That got a guy in trouble down at Jennings one time. Well not in trouble but harassed
  5. RockRocks

    RockRocks head goober

    That works ... if you're 9 and putting around in the woods on a CRF80. :D
  6. Greenhound386

    Greenhound386 Well-Known Member

    Never been asked if I race. I don't run numbers, and my plates are blank white. I'll throw a yellow decal over it if I go racing.

    My comments are hardly having a chip on my shoulder, and more so to give the OP the other side of the argument. A track day isn't a practice day, and there are plenty of non-racers that don't give a rat's ass what color his number plates are.

    I mean, what's worse: a non-racer running a number plate at a track day, or a club racer with two dozen sponsor decals covering his bike from products that he paid retail price for and doesn't get contingency for?*

    *Rhetorical question.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
  7. I know an answer is required, but if the guy is/does race for contingency, then there is nothing wrong with running the stickers.

    But if he is running stickers for companies/products that don't support him and that don't pay contingency, then that is worse than a trackday guy running plates IMO.
  8. eboos

    eboos Slowski

    I don't recall anyone that I've ever seen get harassed for being a non racer with number plates. It's not like they are walking around with a Purple Heart or anything.
  9. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    it's a TD? Who cares? Just run whatever colors you think look good. What color is your bike?
  10. Greenhound386

    Greenhound386 Well-Known Member

    LMAO. Interesting analogy.

    Chaotic, I agree with your comments above about the decal / contingency thing.
  11. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

  12. crakpantspaintr

    crakpantspaintr Active Member

    Well im sure glad i asked i guess. I figured something liek earning the whites would come up.

    I think i am gonna to spray can the tail of my bike white and the front all black. I was just going to get address numbers from Walmart which are black and post those on the tail which would make it look -ish like white plates. Prob just stencil paint white numbers on the front.

    Does that seem cool?
  13. Is running numbers on a non-race bike as silly as running company stickers on a non sponsors car or truck ?

    Like having a K&N stickers on your truck b/c the stickers came free with the overpriced air filter.
  14. ...and you probably won't. Most peole are non-confrontational and really do not have any reason to harass the said plate sporter because when they see the plates, they see a racer.

    They have no reason to think otherwise. Only the person with the plates (and maybe his friends) know he really isnt a racer. Hence the posing. :D
  15. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

    This was the argument I got. If it is a white bike then the whole damn bike is a number plate. Any black numbers you put on it is considered to be a number plate. You dont have to outline it or anything to be considered a plate.
  16. :stupid:
  17. crakpantspaintr

    crakpantspaintr Active Member

    straight number NESBA manual:
    o Bike numbers can be displayed either on the front or sides
    of the tail section, or on both; at least 6 inches high with
    no special background required (Intro excluded)
    o Clean and secure, with no loose parts, bolts, or fasteners"

    JimboC so a white tail isnt a good idea then?
  18. JimboC

    JimboC Well-Known Member

    Ahh but the guy you are talking about had the number 1 on a white bike and the folks that didn't know him gave him hell.
  19. eboos

    eboos Slowski

    Then pose on. Maybe they will start to race one day. That is better then getting turned off by a bunch of elitest dicks (not aimed at anyone here).

    Hell, put some white plates on. Yellow looks like crap anyway. :up:
  20. That reminds me of when Lora stuck some 6" black numbers on a white plate before supper (dinner plate) and handed it to me. She was like, "here ya go, you have earned your white plates". :crackup:

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