is it just me?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by novice52, Mar 20, 2003.

  1. novice52

    novice52 there, but not really

    or are the protesters utter morons?

    they are protesting for peace, but yet they the protests become violent? gee GO PEACE! :rolleyes:
  2. Michigan J Frog

    Michigan J Frog Hello, my ragtime gal!

    The part I don't understand is how they say the war is wrong, it's sinful, it won't accomplish anything. In the big citites, even New York, the protesters seem to forget terrorism. Anybody ever hear of 9/11? :confused:
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    just look at the small circle of beatniks here. the stupidity is a pre-requirement. f' em. they know that they are fuul of crap. that's why when you confront them with truth, they fall apart and result to changing the subject.
  4. Michigan J Frog

    Michigan J Frog Hello, my ragtime gal!

    So it's not me? I seem to remember that our country kinda has a debt to settle, and all this inspection la-ti-da has only been to ease the world's fears of the U.S. conquering all. Like we would even want to own that giant sand box, anyway. The point is to remove threats to our own country, right?
  5. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    You might want to check the latest party line Frog. The mantra coming out of Dubya', Rumsfeld, Fleisher, Powell has changed from being "out to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of a mad man" to "liberate the poor people of Iraq". The old rap apparently just wasn't flying with the international community or home for that matter. Too aggressive and not benevolent enough. No problem. Just change the rap, say it enough times and "baaaah-baaaah" the sheep will repeat it. No thinking required. :rolleyes:
  6. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    ummm a sheep will let you walk right up to it, and bash it's head with a shovel. {just like rsdud will apparently} ;)
  7. Evil Dave K

    Evil Dave K Well-Known Member

    Notice how the peaceful San Francisco protests turned violent. Protesting for peace by throwing rocks and Rebar at the cops and standbyers.
    Stupid F@cks.
  8. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    Violence is counter-productive. But, I think you should be careful using the word 'stupid' after 'standbyers'. ;)
  9. novice52

    novice52 there, but not really

    glad to know i'm not the only one
  10. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    The Frogster wrote: "So it's not me? I seem to remember that our country kinda has a debt to settle, and all this inspection la-ti-da has only been to ease the world's fears of the U.S. conquering all. Like we would even want to own that giant sand box, anyway. The point is to remove threats to our own country, right?"

    Al Queda is the theat isn't it? They owe us big time and several thousand GIs and other badasses I hope are homing in on Osama's cave right now.

    The biggest "debt" we have to settle with Iraq is that we owe the Iraqi civilians dearly. After failing to go to Bagdad and nail that MFer Saddam in 91, Bush #I asked the Shiites and the Kurds to rise up against Saddam and that we would support them. The Shiites fought Saddam's Baathist party in the south while the Kurds rose up in the north. Then Bush and Powell sat on eachothers hands like the pussies they are and let Saddam slaughter tens of thousands Shiites and Kurds in a matter of days.

    Want to see something horrrific? See if you can catch the footage of ONE MILLION Kurds fleeing the Northern cities of Iraq in 4/92. They were running from Saddam all crammed into mountain roads. Then picture Saddam's attack helicopters strafing those roads with MG and rockets.

    Bush #II probably saw that footage and must feel a great weght on his shoulders for the sins of his father.:rolleyes:

    Whatever, we owe those guys big time.

    So Froggy, although a lot of those protesters are mindless freaks, those with a memory just may have a have a legitimate belief that our government doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone in Iraq, and that our resources may be divirted away from find Al Queda (as a footnote, you may recall that Al Queda actually attacked the US embassies in Kenya (100's dead), the WTC in 93 (6 dead) the Uss Cole in'02 (16 dead?) and the WTC and the Pentagon and teh PA flght that crashed on 9/11/01 (3,000+ dead).

    And I guess I shouldn't pick on you Frog, I don't really know you or the full basis for why you said what you did. To the extent i misunderstood you I apologize!

    Back to the TV. Hope to see Saddam's head on a pike!:mad:

  11. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Originally posted by Evil Dave K
    Notice how the peaceful San Francisco protests turned violent. Protesting for peace by throwing rocks and Rebar at the cops and standbyers.
    Stupid F@cks.

    RSDad said: "Violence is counter-productive. But, I think you should be careful using the word 'stupid' after 'standbyers'. "

    Real Dave K would not have made such a stoopid misteak!!

    But I agree, minor scattered stone throwing will get them nowhere. Especially in a war where its half life is measured in days, not years like VN -- by the time they get home the war could be over!!:D :D :cool:

    I think that there was too big a risk to fight this war now, the way Bush #2 led up to it, but protesting now is uselss.

    I'm going to the couch to catch the news and pray for a quick end.
    Go get 'em boys!!!!

  12. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    yes Froggy, but most of the world has realized that 9/11 was Bin Laden and not Iraq. Seems you've swallowed G-Dubya's rhetoric without l thinking... like so many others.

    If you believe so strongly, why aren't you out ther protesting FOR the war... but wait, action might require you to think and not act like a spoon-fed robot
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2003
  13. I can only hope that "most of the world" doesn't think as narrowly as you, Eric. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were NOT fomented only by Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden's terrorist organization is a loosely connected terrorist network with support from and ties into numerous other terrorist networks. All of these terrorist networks receive support from various countries, INCLUDING IRAQ. They've been active all over the world, striking at US citizens, allies, and interests (i.e. the bombing in Bali, the bombings and kidnappings in the Phillipines, Daniel Pearl, the bombing in Tunisia, not to mention the suicide bombers in Israel.

    All of you narrow-minded pointy-head types seem to think that if we just arrested Bin Laden, the threat would be over and we could just go back to sleep and let the UN (mis)handle world affairs again. It doesn't work that way. Even if Bin Laden is captured or killed, his organization simply changes leadership, and other terrorist organizations will rise up to be the point in the terrorist war against the US and its allies.

    The ONLY way to stop this is to eliminate the terrorists' safe havens, financial backing, and sources of weapons. Chopping off the head of a multi-headed monster doesn't kill the monster. Iraq has provided safe haven and financial backing, and would be an excellent source of weapons (if it hasn't already been). Therefore, Iraq must be dealt with.

    I realize all this is a bit over your head, so I'll forgive you for not understanding the subtleties. :p
  14. Evil Dave K

    Evil Dave K Well-Known Member

    No, it was right as I always am.:D What in the blue hell were those people standing around for? Don't they have jobs? If not, why weren't they out looking for jobs? At the very least, they should have been throwing sh@t back at the protestors. Damn lazy Californians. :D ;)
  15. Repo Man

    Repo Man 50 years of Yamaha GP!!

    Dearist cousin:

    The UN resolution in 1990 was to get Iraq out of Kuait, *NOT* to off Saddam.

    If we would have offed Saddam, then we would hear the chourus
    of "Impeialist America the Aggressor" etc... :rolleyes:
  16. GStar

    GStar Dark Helmet

    Actually its already happening so there’s no need to protest. :)
  17. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

  18. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Narrow minded is only listening to your own point of view and not having tolerance for opposing opinions--Like Froggy’s bashing of protestors--just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them idiots

    Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t make me narrow-minded. I know it may be challenging, but please try to accept the reality that not everyone agrees with you. If I only listen to people who agree with me then my opinions and decisions are pretty one-sided--you might try it sometime.

    My point to Froggy was that we have been fed several different reasons as to WHY we’re stomping all over Iraq, and those reasons have changed several times, even since the invasion started. I don’t trust Bush, but if a Democratic pres was orchestrating all this under the same circumstances I’d probably still be just as distrustful. I realize killing Bin Ladden won’t end terrorism, but do you think really think this war will end it too?
  19. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

    What you don't understand is that he/we/i don't just disagree with your opinion, but think you are tragically misguided and just plain WRONG.

    Yes, this war against Iraq won't end terrorism, but if it goes off as planned it will make it much harder for terrorists to mount attacks against the US.
  20. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown


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