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Ten Reason Bu$h needs this WAR!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Team Atomic, Mar 7, 2003.

  1. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    Just cause things where gettting a little stale in here...

    Without the war on Iraq:

    The 200,000 troops which have been deployed would either remain abroad, carrying out other functions besides combat, or they would be returned the to the U.S. Either way, the cost of deploying that number of troops is fiscally gargantuan, but not engaging them in combat is both economically and politically cataclysmic.

    The U.S. economy, now in shambles, would be seen unequivocally as the result not of the 9–11 attacks or Clinton economic policies, but the massive looting of the American people by Bushenomics . (See Global Economic Meltdown, by Al Martin)

    Unemployment and a plummeting stock market must be sidestepped in the name of a war on terror. Corporate and Fortune 500 welfare in the form of tax cuts for the ruling elite, which generate income for education and social programs, must be obfuscated by the exigencies of "combat readiness." Without the smokescreen of a national emergency, most Americans would not willingly return the King of Corporate Crime to the White House—-which leads us to reason number three:

    Enron on the Potomac would be unearthed. Rocket science is not required to sniff out the money trail that winds from the Harvard Endowment Fund, through Washington, down to Houston and back to Cambridge. In 2002, a few boardroom bandits did "the perp walk," but far more, simply walked. Without a war, certified "enemies of the state," such as Catherine Austin Fitts, Mike Ruppert and Al Martin might succeed in educating the citizenry about how the dots connect, and once that happens, it's only a small leap to the 9–11 coverup.

    Foreknowledge of 9-11 would become even more transparent than it now is. Strange, isn't it, how everyone connected with the investigation of September 11, 2001, has ties to bin Laden or oil? Even stranger is that nothing conclusive has been proven by the U.S. government regarding the events of that day. Hundreds of thousands of lives are about to be lost in the name of the 9–11 attacks that created precisely the enemies needed to wage what a British newspaper last week called "the next hundred years of war."

    The colossal looting of U.S. government departments such as Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Pentagon and a variety of other agencies which haven't produced a valid financial statement in decades might come under closer scrutiny of independent media investigations.

    Likewise, the control of government databases through contracts with corporations such as DynCorp is more likely to be challenged in the absence of a war, blowing open, in the case of DynCorp, a corporation well-documented in the sexual trafficking of young women as the champion of democracy and free enterprise.

    Also vulnerable to the light of day are Bush administration deals cut with Mexico permitting enormous numbers of illegal immigrants to live in the U.S. where they are economically exploited but unable to vote (www.tomflocco.com, February, 2003), providing a source of cheap labor but no accountability and a more convincing "rationale" for the elimination of all social programs.

    The outcry of those ravaged by cuts in education, healthcare for women and services for the homeless, as well as those seniors having to choose between being able to afford food or medication would be less easily ignored without the distraction of war. The timing is ideal for death blows to social programs in America and the further "dumbing down" of its citizens into the nation of sheep this administration needs to achieve its totalitarian objectives.

    The U.S. government would not be able to terrorize its own citizens with terror alert upon terror alert, psychologically manipulating them into the illusion that they must trust their government and its American jihad in order to "be safe." Terror alerts are extremely useful, particularly in situations precarious for the administration such as May 18, 2002, when Mike Ruppert was about to be interviewed by Geraldo Rivera on FOX-TV News regarding U.S. government foreknowledge of the 9–11 attacks. Just five minutes before airing, the show was cancelled due to a terror alert that predicted an imminent attack on New York.

    The PATRIOT Act, Parts One and Two, would be revealed as the replacement Constitution of the New World Order, and American citizens might discover the extent to which their government has shredded the Constitution of their Founding Fathers. A state of war is crucial for obliterating civil liberties, maintaining detainment camps for domestic terrorists and surveilling every corner of every American life.

    Last but not least, in the absence of a state of war or impending war, CNN, the network which obtains its news from Pentagon satellite feeds, might have to cover other issues besides "The Showdown In Iraq," the sordid details of Michael Jackson's pathetic life or the disappearance of Laci Peterson.
    The Bush administration desperately needs this war. Without it, not only might the world discover that the emperor has no clothes, but that he was never elected in November,2000. While we march for peace, let us not forget that even more crucial than our protest against the war is unflinching commitment to exposing the lies on which it is founded and why the leaders of this nation cannot survive without it.
  2. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

    You are a fucking dumbass.
  3. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Give up, man. :rolleyes: Get a job, life or something....
  4. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Now did you write all of that by yourself or did you cut and paste?

    Just Wondering,

    Darrin Talbott
  5. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

    I think he got it straight from the Iraqi propaganda ministry...
  6. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    Cut and paste. Ain't technology grand.:p
  7. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

    Yep, you can spread lies and disinformation at the speed of light...
  8. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    Mega Ditto's TB.
  9. MarkReeser516

    MarkReeser516 Well-Known Member

    So you want to sit back and wait for the US to get hit with a chemical ornuclear weapon before we actually do anything about it. To me that is stupid. All I have tosay about it is if/when we go to war with Iraq they had better take Sudam out this time instead of leaving him in charge like they did last time.
  10. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

  11. RichDesmond

    RichDesmond Well-Known Member

    Geez guys, don't y'all know a troll when you see it?? Let it die.
  12. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

    whatever Tom

    I don't care if he is just trolling for attention.

    Too much of that bullshit is flying around and the stupid are actually buying it to let it go without a fight.
  13. Repo Man

    Repo Man 50 years of Yamaha GP!!

    He's been reading "The Nation" again.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  14. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Top 6 reasons I'm not going to reply

    1) It's a waste of my time.
    2) I'm out of Heroin, and with out my dose, I'm too smart (and handsome and hung :D ) to take the bait.
    3) I could care less what Atomic thinks on the possible war with Iraq.
    4) I read the same list over at www.Igetallmyinformationfromphildonahue.com
    5) I'd rather shave my @ss with a dull Bic and then soak in a tub full of rubbing alcohol then to try and explain things to Chuck yet again.
    6) It would distract me from free porn on the net.
  15. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    Do you challenge the 'facts' T_A posted ?? If so, how so?
  16. Tank Boy

    Tank Boy clank clank boom

    These "facts" are so rediculous and spun so hard there is no point in challenging it.

    He might as well have said the sky was green and listed 10 reasons why that was a fact. No matter how eloquently or vitriotic he got, it still wouldn't be true.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2003
  17. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    I just don't like Bu$hes moving goalposts...

    He says that Iraq has all of these WMD...but were are they...

    CIA says they destroyed most of their WMD in '95...

    IRAQ says it will destroy al-Samoud missiles... and is doing now...what else does Bush want ... we won't tell us.... he just tells us he's an evil dictator....just by those standards we should be going after Indonesia... Indonesia....much worse...

    The problem I have with Bu$h.... talking about how evil Saddam is, where were an ally with him when he gassed his own people. We are just hypocrites talking out of both sides of our mouth...

    just wait until Blix files his report....

    BTW...well over 50% of the people in this country don't support the war.... and 37% support war without a UN resolution

    flame my a$$ all you want its all true....:D

    I only posted this stuff so I can get a rise of Dave K....had to shave with a damn lady bic this morning.... freaking razor burn....:D

    back to flaming about hyperpro springs....and Daytona Laptimes..
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2003
  18. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    WADR; that's pretty pathetic. You launch a personal attack on T_A without offering a single rational reason why.
  19. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    My problem with this is people seem to forget that we change presidents every 4 - 8 years, so policies change every 4 - 8 years.

    Also, what everybody seems to forget, is "hindsight is 20-20." It is very easy to look back at an event and see all of the clues that led to that event.

    If we don't go to war (and I think we will) and if we don't find any wmd's (and I think we will), I think it would be very ironic if France, Germany, and Russia each received one in the future.

    See Ya,

    Darrin Talbott
  20. jmg893

    jmg893 New Member


    doesn't this kind of thing belong elsewhere? If things are slow, someone bring up some of their thoughts or opinions on *bikes*, *roadracing*, etc.

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