Crack Don't Smoke Itself

Discussion in 'General' started by kjohnson, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. kjohnson

    kjohnson Axis

  2. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    That rocks!
  3. CephasGT

    CephasGT Track Day Dreamer

    Yikes... I need to print out that picture and try to get him to sign it next race I go to. :D
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The late eighties/early nineties were a bit of a mess :D
  5. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    Dude, that was so ahead of it's time. Did you see the wicked barbed wire? :D
  6. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Man, neon used to be de rigeur..You hadn't arrived if you didn't have the obligatory neon wheels...I have a set of neon RZ350 wheels in the basement that are embarrassingly neonized...You went neon or you went home...
  7. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I had a florecents yellow front rim, and a florecent pink rear rim on my Hawk for a while. I could be seen from space. Good stuff.
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    you're high, those leathers rule! :D

    The barbed wire is a bit much though. :D
  9. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Heck yeah, florescent pink, Swine Dudes/Team Pearls and their neon pink team t-shirts...
  10. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Did you see some of the stuff guys like Fogarty wore back in the day? It looked like racing with Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.
  11. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    I was mountain bike racing back in the late 80's and early 90's. You want to see some wild/eye gouging stuff? Klein bikes always had wicked color combos. Bike jerseys looked like someone ate Playdoh and threw up all over the place.
  12. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    The Pearls boys had a neon pink GSXR-1100 that was faster than stink, and as Gary Evans explained, "It rides like a Cadillac," and this was at Nelson...I think it had blue PM wheels on it, ahhhh gawd, I thought I'd blocked this out...

    I remember looking at the bike, and looking at Gary, who is about the most genuine guy you'd ever want to meet at a track or anywhere else, and saying, "But....Geeze, Gar.....The thing is PINK! It's real pink."

    Yeah, yeah it is...Ughhhhhhh...
  13. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    You would rock those leathers, with a United Colors of Beneton headband, and a pair of chartreuse Oakley Blades...

  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I scrolled back a few pics. Damn those Cagiva bikes were sharp looking. :up:

    And I still think the early to mid 90s Vance & Hines Yamahas with the yellow and magenta paint scemes were some of the best ever.
  15. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Those things are a feathered hairdo away from a WHAM video
  16. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone remember "Mad Dog Racing" ( I believe that was the team name)? I was pretty young, but I remember that team having these crazy neon bikes. I want to say I saw Sadowski crash one of their bikes at Daytona when a rear tire blew out.
  17. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Oooooohhhh....I remember that rear tire deal, he fragged a rear at some insane speed like a buck eighty or something heading for one and slid forever? I thought that was in testing...Maybe I'm getting mixed up...
  18. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    I was probably only 12 years old and don't remember all the details, but I was standing on the pit wall with my dad when we heard this loud "BOOM" followed by body work scraping across the race track. When I turned to look I saw him bouncing off the wall and the bike flipping down the track. Later I watched as they pulled the bike in.......nothing left of it or the rear tire.
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    And I'd look dead sexy doing it too. :D

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