Gnf Vintage day only gate fee?

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Vintage Bling, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Vintage Bling

    Vintage Bling Well-Known Member

    Me and Ivan were thinking about coming to watch thursday only and were wondering how much the gate fee is for one day only? It would be good to see everyone. Thanks Brad
  2. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    So Brad, don't tell me you would cheap out and not go if they charge you $30 for the whole weekend entry. That's a good deal no matter how you slice it. :Poke:

    You know what they say about BMW riders. The cheapest thing on a BMW is the rider. :Poke: j/k
  3. Vintage Bling

    Vintage Bling Well-Known Member

    No I am not saying I wouldnt pay to come watch. I was just wondering as we are driving to barber that day for 3 days of ahrma racing and I thought we would stop in for a while to hang out. Its just when we pay 35 at road a for 4 hours off watching and then pay 35 at barber the same day to get in it adds up. We were just debating about Watching or maybe even race if I can come up with the money as i dont have a current WERA licence. October is a exspensive month for us as we go to daytona the weekend after for the 8 hour. Wow I do sound like a cheap ass BMW rider now dont I. The only differance is most BMW riders have lots off money and I spend all my money on racing so I dont have any.
  4. Vintage Bling

    Vintage Bling Well-Known Member

    And Joe since you have so much money why dont you Sponser me in V3 at the GNF?
  5. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Conflict of interest with Jim unless you promise to "take out" his competition. :D
  6. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    Ya ,Im with ya brad. hate to pay 35 for a total of 6 hrs at the track then off the Barber.May just go straight to Barber and get a good spot.:up:
  7. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    I will say it before joe has a chance ,Yup cheap f-ck without a BMW. I really need to go, I can't stand the thought of a two stroke winning the final race .
  8. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    I will say it before joe has a chance ,Yup cheap f-ck without a BMW. I really need to go, I can't stand the thought of a two stroke winning the final race .:up:
  9. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted


    i'm not a cheap f-ck (that would be Jack :D), but i am a broke f-ck. can we re-sell armbands to folks who are coming from friday on? :)
  10. Vintage Bling

    Vintage Bling Well-Known Member

    I thought Jim was so fast he didnt need any help. I'm with ya tim, 2-strokes and overhead cam bikes wining classes. I remember a time when pushrods rulled Wera vintage. I hope to bring my pushrod bikes back out next year for some fun.

    Why cant we do hourly rental on armbands? If I did my math right armbands are worth about .30 cents a hour.
  11. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I remember my days of riding BMW's on the street. Yes, I was a cheap bastard due to the fact the bike was too expensive and you wanted to build up a slush fund for rear drive seals, transmissions, and master cylinders that seemed to break with too much frequency. I can get at least 6 years of pistons for the RZ for the cost of one BMW tranny. :D

    It's fun to read some of the posts by BMW riders on the adventure riders website forum about the failures they are having but they still buy and ride the bikes. :rolleyes:
  12. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    I may be with Tim on this one.

    I'm not in the hunt for anything this year. I was gonna use GNF as a break-in for a new motor, which AINT gonna make it...heck, I could even save a day vacation.

    I hope there is a 1 day deal.
  13. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    It's fun leading group rides with low mileage BMW haters. :D
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Tell AHRMA to not schedule a race the same weekend as the GNF has been for many years and this would all be easier :D
  15. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of one trip and hit the vintage gnf and Barber.Even Barber has a one day entry. 35 is a bit of a gouge for one day.
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    If we could make sure people were really leaving we'd do it in a heartbeat. But in our case people would simply buy a one day pass and stay all weekend. Sadly a lot of racers are not even close to honest when it comes to gate fees which screws everyone. We still have people who think it's cute to hide people in vans/trailers/rvs. All they're doing is stealing from us and making fees go up for the honest ones.
  17. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Mark, not a hater just repeating what I've read and experienced myself. ;)
  18. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    I do understand that. 1 day guys could leave drivers license at gate to make sure they come out.
  19. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    Every brand has it's kool-aid drinkers...and slammers on the internets. :up:
  20. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    You should come! (and bring more AHRMA guys with you!!) It'd be worth finishing a spot or two farther back just to have more top caliber riders in the field. (Be that much sweeter if I manage to pull off another lucky upset too!!):cool:

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