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Is it a southern thang...??

Discussion in 'General' started by 418, Jan 13, 2003.

  1. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    How do you know YOU'RE not the bad driver? Maybe it's just you. :D
  2. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Yeah, we all know Asians can't drive.:D
  3. RobeyRacer

    RobeyRacer Well-Known Member

    Who doesn't?? :rolleyes: :D
  4. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    haha Funny man Tracee. Somehow there's just something weird about say "man" and "Tracee" in the same sentence. :D

    The thing I was pointing out with my statement is that we all think we're better drivers than anyone else on the road. When, in fact, we all do stupid things at one (or more) point or another in our driving careers.

    (Was that proper comma usage? :D )
  5. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Posted by TP :

    LMFAO Nice recovery. :p

    Posted by RacerGirl117 :

    Hey, hey now. Let's not change the subject here. We're talking about other people here...not me.

    ...and here you people go, hijacking MY thread.

    Well, it was fun while it lasted...:(
  6. r0cketrider

    r0cketrider Well-Known Member

    Well I live in ATL and drive into the belly of the beast (downtown connector) every morning...I even ride my bike on occasion in the summer....and I concur WHOLEHEARTIDLY with his statements.

    Just this morning some silly wench was yacking on her cell phone going 10mph slower then ALL the other traffic...but she was in the second fast lane. People are slamming on brakes, swerving to miss her, etc. *I* would have loved to have shoved that phone....well somewhere! :D

    As for the rest...man WHY do people slow down for NO FREAKING REASON!!!! UGHH!!!!!

    There I feel better now.
  7. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    traffic is relative... there's always a mess behind and in front. get around one bunch and there's another. since everybody thinks the rest of the world is a bad driver, who's good?

    Not me I suck, always distracted :D

    You can't get away from traffic so relax, put on some classical music and leave a little earlier. I find pedaling a bike to school and work is a LOT easier on my nervous system and I arrive feeling much better than if I fought traffic and I usually make the commute in the same time (or less). going through town I pull up along side the same people light after light: they're pissed and I'm feeling pretty damn good.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2003
  8. MarkReeser516

    MarkReeser516 Well-Known Member

    Yeah except for the cops around here love giving out reckless and agressive driving tickets, and my driving record sucks from riding bikes on the street. Already been to jail once for reckless driving can't afford to go again
  9. thane

    thane Well-Known Member

    It's important that everyone can drive in this country. Otherwise, we can't sell enough cars, sell enough oil, kill enough public transportation projects. It appears that in order for everyone to be able to drive in this country, we have to make it REALLY easy to get a drivers license. Here in suburban MD the number of drivers has increased and the average level of driver skill has decreased, both in dramatic fashion over the last 20 years. More people who are less talented. Heh.

    In England a team of researchers got some drivers drunk, fettered others with cell phones (incl. hands-free), and let others focus on their driving, all in a controlled environment. Which drivers faired the worst? The drunks? No. The cell phone drivers, even the hands free types engaged in trivial conversations, made more mistakes than the drivers that were legally drunk. I apologize for not having the citation. I heard about the study on the radio.

  10. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    but that doesn't mean anything... they drive on the wrong side so what do they know :D:D
    My wife moved to the US in August and just passed her Ohio driver's test. It's tougher now then when I took (like maybe a few decades ago).
    Maneuverability test instead of parallel parking; I tried and didn’t make it :D
    There were an awful lot of people there for repeat testing
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2003
  11. thane

    thane Well-Known Member

    I would be thrilled if new testing standards were inacted here. I think I would be happiest, if they were difficult enough that I failed. I would trade the inconvenience and embarrasment for safer roads.

  12. tz_eric

    tz_eric Well-Known Member

    Yea, what are you gonna do? Shoot me? Ha ha ha ha ha. I think the last time a Canadian did anything like that was in the French and Indian War.

    (How's that for thread hijacking?) :D
  13. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    During my travels back to Arkansas on the holidays I had to move my pistol from the console to the back seat so as not to kill dumbasses driving slowly in the left lane. What is it with women from NC and OH... are your cars unable to move into the right freaking lane? :rolleyes:
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Most yankees truly believe they have a divine right to be in any lane they want to no matter how many people it blocks.

    I blame it on parents not beating common courtesy into their children.
  16. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Now we're talking... CHILD BEATING is the answer. :D

    Seriously, common courtesy is no longer taught to youth and that is the issue. All of the draft dodging, pot smoking pussies and their disrespectful children have grown up and started travelling. :rolleyes:
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeah we do. We Yankees are god's chosen few. We have the right to drive our Escalades in the left lane at either 35mph or 125mph. We are constitutionally blessed with the right to drink our starbucks with our left hand smoke newports with our right hand, all the while talking on the cell with whatever we can latch onto it with. We can steer with our left foot while we tune the radio with out right foot, with a brick holding the gas to the floor.

    And Southerners, what rights do they have? The right to get the F@ck out of my way as I come roaring down I95.
    ;) :D
  18. weggie man

    weggie man Well-Known Member

    Yippee for Ohio, that sh*t has not happened hear in Wisconsin. I swear they must make the test easier every year.

    Just remember the idiots on the road today go home and make more idiots at night that they teach how to drive in a few years, so it only gets worse. Dumb teaching dumb = stupidity.

    And remember the only thing these kids learn to drive are SAVs.
  19. TSWebster

    TSWebster Well-Known Member

    Well, there's always our God given right to bear arms and use them as necessary.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    LOL - the odd part is that the vast majority of peeps in the A T L do stay out of the far left lane and leave it open for those of us willing to do more than the normal average speed of 75. The idiots with the cell phones in the lefterly lanes don't last long down here (the cops WILL give them tickets for impeding the flow of traffic!).

    The absolute worst state for slower than the speed limit in the left lane is by far Michigan. I've never seen it as bad as there. I have a feeling that it's more to do with the left lane being smoother than the right but not everyone has gotten with the program of swapping the fast and slow lanes. Understanding does NOT make it any less annoying tho. An upside to MI is that the trooopers have that stupid logo on the hood making it real easy to see them from a side view at a far enough distance to slow down :)

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