Info for Keith Dattisman

Discussion in 'General' started by Cannoli, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    geez Keith.................your a pussy

    real men break C1 into 3 pieces ;)

    6 weeks in a C collar is nothing man........TRUST ME............could be a whole lot worse

    glad to see posting on here, it was nice to finally meet you at VIR even though it was under extreme circumstances :up:
  2. sgr62004

    sgr62004 Well-Known Member

    Great to hear you are on the road to recovery! All are guy's at M3 Racing are keeping tab's on you and wishing you the best!
  3. Clem

    Clem Changin' My Latitude

    Glad to hear that you are home and well enough to post:)

    I'd stay on them until the haze becomes obvious, you find out real quick how well they were working and it takes a bit of time to get them to kick back in.

    Good luck with the surgery, hopefully, it's a walk in the park compared to the trauma.
  4. jim137

    jim137 Well-Known Member

    Glad to see you posting and that you are in good spirits. I broke three transverse proceses off last June...I guess they'll just float around.

    One of my friends who is a doctor told me that often tranverse proceses are broken by strong muscle contractions in the back, not necessarily the trauma of a crash. He used to work with the Candian ski team, and said downhillers would go over drop offs so hard and fast that when they hit, their muscles would contract and rip off the tranverse proceses!

    Anyway, great to hear that you are doing well. Take care, Jim
  5. bardrcr360

    bardrcr360 Active Member

    Keith glad to hear you're hangin in there. Heal up man looking forward to seeing you back out on the track. We had some fun races last season!
  6. Spot

    Spot Well-Known Member

    Again thanks to everyone for all the support.

    I’d say that this last hospital stay was definitely the worst. I had to stay overnight for the face reconstruction surgery. Once I woke up I was in terrible pain. They gave me 20 mg. of morphine but it wasn’t doing anything. For some reason they didn’t believe me. It took them the better part of night to finally get me something else for the pain. Ugg.

    I’m out now and doing much better. I’ve got the neck brace off and I’m up and moving around. I’m still not 100% or anything but I’m working on it. My wife keeps telling me to take it easy lol.

    Seriously I can’t thank everyone enough for all the well wishes and support. When I got home from the hospital this last time I was definitely down in the dumps about things. Minutes later my wife comes in with the mail and has a couple of get well soon letters for me. That certainly did cheer me up. So once again, a big thanks to everyone. It seems that every time I really fall down, someone’s there to help me out.

    :up::up::up: to the WERA family :D
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Glad to hear you're doing well.
  8. Triple X

    Triple X Well-Known Member

    Good news.
    Hope you continue to heal quickly!
  9. rotorblade

    rotorblade Well-Known Member

    Awesome news Keith! I'm not too far away so don't hesitate to let me know if you need help with anything.
  10. yetidave

    yetidave Well-Known Member

    Good news, Keith. :up: Heal up quick, but take it easy on that neck.
  11. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Glad to hear you are healing :up:

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