The Shield - Predictions?

Discussion in 'General' started by SGVRider, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Who's been watching the last season? It's been really good as of late, all of the shit that the Strike Team pulled is finally catching up with them. What are your predictions for the various characters?

    I think Shane and Vic will either kill each other, or Shane will commit suicide when the cops close in rather than go to prison, and Vic gets killed by the cartel guy he's been cozying up to. Ronnie runs and lives happily ever after in Venezuela either way. Anyway, this show is hands down the best, better than the Sopranos I dare say. If it weren't for Dexter, I'd have no reason to watch TV after The Shield ends.
  2. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I have only one comment,

    Cletus Van Damm.
  3. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    I don't think any will go to jail, cuz that's just a boring ending. I agrees on Shane for sure, he's toast. But we'll see soon enough
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I have been waiting for Vic to get it on with the blonde federal agent but they are running out of time.

    I think Shane will kill Vic and get arrested. Julian will arrest Ronnie or shoot him.
  5. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

  6. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    What about Acaveda? I can't see how this will end well for him, seeing how he's taking cartel money to finance his campaign. I think Dutch might be killed by the serial killer kid, or his mother.
  7. MrWheeler

    MrWheeler Well-Known Member

    Shane goes after Vic's kids/wife, some kind of hostage thing goes down, they both die, and god willing Mara's character too (where the hell did they find that mousy tart?)
  8. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I've been wondering about this too. After the Sopranos they can't just have a big shootout where everyone dies. It's got to be creative. It would be too sappy if Vic just rode off into the sunset. I hate to see any of them get killed, I've been watching this show for years now, but they're all such bad people they probably deserve it.
  9. Smalls

    Smalls 2012 Blue...

    Shane is gonna die, maybe Vic too.......I think Vic gets some fed protection though to avoid jail......Ronnie is gonna be the one that get thrown in jail.......:up:
  10. Zakath

    Zakath Well-Known Member

    I had hopes Ronnie would make it out in the clear, but from the last couple eps it looks like that probably won't happen. He always had the best one liners though.
  11. Brian Van

    Brian Van Track Gear Retailer

    No way Vic go down, Shane kills Ronnie, Vic kills Shane and then gets the job with ICE.

    Anyone here watching the Sons of Anarchy?
  12. gixxersmitty

    gixxersmitty Well-Known Member

    When Shane and Mara were in the pool together and everything seemed to slow down, I was just waiting for Vic to walk through the door and pitch a grenade in the pool.
  13. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Vic gets away and gets a new job as The Commish...
  14. Zakath

    Zakath Well-Known Member

    I don't see that happening now. :crackup:

    Can't wait for next week. Should be a hell of a show.
  15. Venomous

    Venomous Well-Known Member

    OMG what a great episode, Ronnie is fawked, Vic is gonna have to find someway to help him, I don't think he will let Ronnie go down. Claudette is gonna go berserk and I'm glad she fired that ass hole Dutch.
  16. MrWheeler

    MrWheeler Well-Known Member

    Ah....Mara in crippling pain, finally.
  17. mb4lunch

    mb4lunch Expert#40 SouthEast

    Vic kills everyone and ends up with Shanes wife??? :clap:
  18. ED_006

    ED_006 Well-Known Member

    One more episode to go. It's gonna be sad to see it go. It's been great since episode one.

    my predictions: Yeah unfortunately, Ronnie is gonna get killed but I'm thinking by the Cartel. He has to help Vic with busting the Cartel cause Ronnie needs to show good faith in order to get his deal. Vic already has his deal, he's helped his wife, unfortunately he has to lose someone he cares for, Ronnie. I'm thinking Ronnie is gonna die in Vic's arms waiting for the ambulance.

    Shane gets caught, and goes to jail. He thinks he will be given immunity by giving up Vic and Ronnie, but too late Vic got his deal with the feds. Vic completes his job for ICE, but will be devastated from losing another team member. Acevada walks away, and becomes LA's major.
  19. elevenn7

    elevenn7 Well-Known Member

    I feel like a complete dork just for posting in this thread...but ,I've been hooked from episode one. "Good cop left the building, I'm a different kind of cop..." How ever it ends, it's been a hell of a ride.:beer:
  20. Venomous

    Venomous Well-Known Member


    Me too, I've been hooked since the first episode, and now I hooked my girlfriend to the show.

    We saw all six seasons again before the final season :beer:

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