wet wetter

Discussion in 'General' started by paperclip, Sep 3, 2002.

  1. techy

    techy Well-Known Member

    Do you know how much heat gain you had by using it? I havn't used it in forever so I forget.... I don't remember it being much though. I never climb more than 215 during any race of the season here...
  2. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Since I've always run it in my racebikes for the past 3 years I haven't done a side by side comparison of a bike with water wetter vs. without.

    I do know that back in the mid 90's when I started using it in my RC30 it helped it to run a good 10-15 degrees cooler.
  3. techy

    techy Well-Known Member

    See, 215 - 220 is what I consider normal operating temps for the race. The only time that it really starts to get hot (220 +) is when I am sitting still on the pad.
  4. lightsmith

    lightsmith Seenyer Member

  5. techy

    techy Well-Known Member

    Shhhh... Lets not wake him up.....

  6. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    I raced an rz350 for 7 seasons and ran straight water for the first 4. Had to change the seal nearly every year. Started running WW and had the seal last 2.5 years. Maybe rz waterpump seals just suck? Not sure what if any temp differences I saw.
  7. techy

    techy Well-Known Member

    It depends on what type of seal that you are using too. I use a high grade paper seal with a high temp gasketmaker on each side of the seal. I let a little ease out the sides as I am tightning, and viola. A perfect race ready water seal.:D
  8. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    I think we're using the same name for two different parts. I'm talking about a round,rubber seal that the impeller shaft runs through and spins around really fast all of the time. Designed to have coolant as a lubricant, but race use demands water. Water=no lubrication. No lubrication=wated waterpump seal. Sounds like you're describing a gasket. Maybe they do it different on diesels...:p
  9. techy

    techy Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO.... No....

    We are talking about the same thing... Well I am at least. What I do that is different is I use gasket maker on each side of the seal to give it a little movement. What waste the seal on the water pump is that water when hot expands, the water additives that you put in with the water help to control that effect. By putting a little gasket maker on each side you can actually keep the seal from blowing out.

    Believe it or not....
  10. lightsmith

    lightsmith Seenyer Member

    "What waste the seal on the water pump is that water when hot expands,..."

    Making your English teacher proud, if you had one...

    How did you take that picture of yourself while praying to me?

    Beast: Awoken, annoyed, but still not interested.
  11. techy

    techy Well-Known Member

    Re: "What waste the seal on the water pump is that water when hot expands,..."

    Well she was a Biatch anyway...:D

    It was hard. but While I was puking, I managed to lift my head out of the toilet and my arm high enough to take the pic.:Puke:

    And we are glad that you are not interested. Believe me...:D
  12. Re: "What waste the seal on the water pump is that water when hot expands,..."

    I can fix that.... ;)
  13. Thank Jay-zuss we no longer have to deal with that evil engine-killing track-coating purple snot-like stuff known as Evans NPG!
  14. lightsmith

    lightsmith Seenyer Member

    What do you think we're running...?:D

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