huston cops fair and balanced

Discussion in 'General' started by huffdaddy, Aug 20, 2002.

  1. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    who needs to see it. why don't you and eric go start a little whiny liberal assclown convention, raise money, and hire a good lawyer to defend that poor little innocent father/son duet? the U S of A needs you as our police are raging out of control. "oh look everyone, i'm being opressed!"
  2. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Brad I can see where you are coming from. The way I look at it though is that sometimes the police needs policing themselves...

    I am assuming that some of the complaints are ligit...while you're assuming they all bullsh%t...
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    i dig you. i just can't stand the sensationalists media. the public has proven time and time again they can't be trusted with information.
  4. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    Hagasan, if you don't believe me, try driving through the "hood". If they are not trying to sell you drugs or rob you, they are trying to get you to hit them with your car to file an insurance claim. They will walk all around your moving car, daring you to nudge them with it. God forbid it if you are in a company vehicle, like a power company or cable vehicle, or police car. These SOB's will practically lie down in front of the vehicle. Getting a cop to beat you up is a winning lottery ticket and these media bastards have not caught on yet. Lets hope you do before you get caught in the scam.
  5. Peanut

    Peanut Well-Known Member

    Czar, you have completely lost touch. The lottery?? You are now becoming pathetic. You sound like a, well whatever, I'm just shaking my head. Reparations??????? Please don't spout anymore of your conservative bullshit on this subject. You have shown your ignorance on more than 1 occasion.

    Why did you not address stopping in that resturant somewhere say south of Macon?? How about driving through the wrong neighborhood in a place like Boston or your own NYC?? What happens to YOU in those places????? :rolleyes: Your examples are ridiculous & naive.

    You need a wake up call, better yet, no you don't, please keep you blinders on.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2002
  6. Peanut

    Peanut Well-Known Member

    No, I'm am very educated on this subject & of course I used somewhat ridiculous examples to make a point. You are correct though, people are being pulled over because of color & 9 times out of 10 it's not the white guy in a black neighborhood. You & I both know that. Good example though, keeps the sensationalism Brad was talking about going. The same as my example, uh?

    I really didn't want to get into a sparing match w/you, as I said Czar justification is where my issues lie. I know your job it tough, but again you & I both know of people who are wrong & hide behind the shield. If you are not one of them & are out there doing your job, more power too ya'.
  7. Peanut

    Peanut Well-Known Member

    Are you sure about that Brad? So lets see, Rodney gets stop for fucking up, gets his ass slapped around a bit. Now that in & of itself, probably no big deal, but to get beat like that?? Even you can't defend that.

    Ok, a guy on a motorcycle gets chased, goes 120 in & out of traffic & neighborhoods, finally gets caught. Maybe that has been you. With your logic he/you should be ready for a multiable cop w/nitestick beatdown right??


    1 more thing, why is it every time something happens it is now the position of the right to say it's media sensationalism @ work?? Why make excuses for when your position is wrong, why not just admit there maybe a problem w/that particular position? Oh I forgot, you guys are never wrong.:Puke: Hail George Bush!!!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2002
  8. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    peanut, get a grip.
  9. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    Yeah, FOX & FRIENDs is the most jingoistic, biased, sensationalist, unproffessional crap there is out there.
    I am saddenned not only by this show's existence - but also by the fact that it is the most-watched in the US.

    Shit! - Iraqi TV probably offers less biased reporting of world events.

    ....just chipping in there...
  10. WERA522

    WERA522 Lost

    uh Rodney King
    Passenger of car with guy going 120
    Drunk and high on drugs (PCP)
    Starts mouthing off to cops.
    Starts attacking cops.
    gets hit by a tazer 4 times and keeps going after the cops
    I think he deserved getting the snot knocked out of him.
    How are the police to react when they are being assualted. Self Defense. And if that means a little head bashing, those little snot nosed kids wont do it again. I have been slammed into a patrol car before. Brutality. Nah, just my smart mouth. (dumb mouth, whatever) If a kid grabs my nuts, his head would be slammed into a car or punched so he will be released. Cops got to do what they got to do, and they need to do is go arrest some of the greedy lawyers for public nuisance. Now, has that pissed everyone off yet? Let's blame the judges for allowing these cases to come to trial. Let's blame the media for showing a disjointed view. Let's blame the cops for not being nice when being assualted. Let's blame the dumbasses who get pulled over for expired tags and no license and cry that the police had no reason to pull them over. Let's blame Amerika for not turning off their TVs when this crap is shown on the Tele. Now have I pissed everyone off yet? No. Y'all are all Schleprocks.

    (sarcasm overfloweth in this post)
    Maelstrom Racing
  11. James#306

    James#306 Backmarker Extraordinaire

    Can't we all just get along?
  12. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  13. 418

    418 Expert #59

    WERA74....I lived in the "hood" for 9 years...

    That's why I am so partial to this subject.... because i have seen things happend that should not have. Allot of the stuff I am resentful about stems from the fact that I have seen it happend with my own eyes...not through the media's eyes. Although that neigborhood has gotten much better back in '95, '96 it got so bad that the COPS would not want to come into the neigborhood even if we called them. (I know it sound bullsh%t but I swear it's true...)

    ...there was a drive by and a lady hit a parked car....she was trying to get out of the way of the "drive by" car. It took the cops AT LEAST 30 min to respond to that call. And then they just took a accident report and left.... And that's just one of the stories I can tell you about...

    But I do have to admit that the media is crap. Usually they cover the WRONG stories anyways...

    BTW: When it comes to the black/white issue. I think that it's all equal on the cop harrasment issue... I have been harassed by the po-po in that neighborhood as much as anyone else...
  14. PACMAN

    PACMAN Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to try to change your minds.....but give me a chance to explain something that most people don't think of. I have done a lot of research on this and you can ask any college professor that does not have a hidden agenda. When the media reports statistics about black/white crime and police involvements, they are using too different units of measure. This gets tricky so stay with me. Examples:
    *Statistics show that over 50% of subjects on death row are male blacks. (this is a true statistic and it's accurate when being compared to the number of people on death row. It's a true percentage.)
    *The media goes ape shit and says how is it fair that 50% are blacks when they only make up 12% of the population of America. (this is where the media fuels the fire. This is how they change units of measure. It's true that blacks are 12% of the population. They are 12% of Americas total. That is a true percentage. To get an acurate statistic you would have to take the number of blacks on death row and divide that into the total population. Then you get an acurate statistic. By saying they make up 12% of the population, but 50% are on death row is using two different formulas for getting that answer. This is done because this is what fuels the fire and sells. 90% of all black males killed are killed by other black males. You don't see this in the news because people don't care about same race deaths. When a black is killed by a white or vice versa, that becomes news. Make it a white cop and now you have a goldmine.......see the pattern. Don't be so quick to take what you read as gospel. Look at the source of info as well as the actual method used to determine the statistics.......Everyone confused now????:confused:
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2002
  15. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    Just curious, since when did being a white guy in a black neighborhood (or vice versa) constitute "probable cause?"
  16. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    it doesn't clown. but it can be interpreted as suspicous behaviour. and that, is ALL the officer needs.
  17. PACMAN

    PACMAN Well-Known Member

    Brad's exactly right. You look at the totality of circumstances. If you patrol a neighborhood you learn what's Normal. When you see something abnormal, you look a little deeper. I worked the east end housing projects for three years on night shift in Lexington. I recall once stopping a new Jeep Cherokee cruising the projects for not using a turn signal. Perfectly legal stop. I wasn't worried about the signal but the fact that it was well dressed middle aged white men and women. It was ABNORMAL. It just so happened that they left an event downtown and got lost. They wouldn't have lasted long.

    The second time was similar circumstances with a truck load of white teens from Suburbia. They on the other hand were underage, drunk, had a crack pipe, and were looking to buy. These little "leave it to beaver" type kids would have become a statistic. That's how it works. This is how I "Profiled". I worked a black neighborhood therefore I profiled white people. It's an ugly word but it's how you do your job.
  18. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    In short, they put in the article what they (Houston Chronicle) knew would sell papers. They did, after all, take over that other crappy Houston (Houston Post) news paper. Probably hired some of those worthless reporters too.

    Sounds kinda like a story I saw in headlines in Pittsburgh a couple of days ago. A cop arrested a couple that had been walking across a street, in a cross-walk mind you, because they used "foul language" when he just about ran them over. :rolleyes:

    It all amounts to all cops are not good cops. I've encountered some of the bad ones, so my personal opinion of most cops isn't all that great. So, I just try to avoid them. :D All cops are not bad ones either. The 100 cops they have in the 10x10 block neighborhood I live in seem to be pretty decent. Except for the one that gave me a ticket, of course. :D
  19. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    I am speaking as an observer. I say what I see. I grew up in these neighborhoods. I am not going to go into lengthy discussions about what percentage of the constituents in these areas partake in whatever. That, to me, is bullshit. The fact is and remains that such things do occur. The media has the influence to sway public opinion and there are people smart enough to take advantage of this. Unfortunately, the consequences affect us all.

    Reparations? Oh, that. Don't know enough about that to debate with you. I was actually referring to individuals who were coming forward with accusations of police brutality that occurred years prior, with intentions of filing suit. I should have been more specific. For this I do apologise.

    Man, ignorance is everywhere. It is not color or ethnicity specific. I can only address the ignorance that I observe in the neighborhoods that I frequent. And I do not need a f*cking college degree or specialisation to tell me what is going on and what effect it had, has, or will have. Blinders? Spare me.
  20. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    Well clown, if it doesn't, then it's illegal, you stupid fuck.

    The officer needs Probable Cause, nothing more and nothing less.

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