fix headstock 9 thou out of round?

Discussion in 'Tech' started by 2bitsamile, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. 2bitsamile

    2bitsamile Member

    I was replacing steering bearings in cbr929 and noticed bottom pocket where bearing race presses into headstock was 9 thou out of round. I hit front of headstock with a hammer a couple dozen times and now difference between min and max dia is 6 thou. Should i just keep banging on it? Heat with propane torch 1st?

    Steering stop has a deep dent, so i guess the hi side damaged the headstock. Top head stock is round. Fork tubes and sliders seem straight and round everywhere. Wheels are true. Will check triples for flatness. Anything else to check?

    How can i check rest of frame and swingarm at home?

    Also, i stem nut torque correct when wheel just barely falls to the stop?

    thanks, alex
  2. 2bitsamile

    2bitsamile Member


    After smacking it with a hammer for a while, it is still out of round by the about the same amount, but the high spot is in a different place. So, it appears once the headstock has stretched out, it won't be hammered back down.

    The topside "good" headstock pocket ID min is 1.8480" and max is 1.8490". Bearing race OD is 1.8500", for an interference of 1 to 2 thou, seems right.

    The lower "damaged" headstock pocket ID min is 2.1620" and max is 2.170". Bearing race OD is 2.1650" for an interference of 3 to -5 thou, seems bad.

    I think i will put on a thin layer of JB weld and then press the lower bearing race in. Any other ideas?
    thanks, alex
  3. Dezmo

    Dezmo addicted to the trackpipe

    you can shim the race with a feeler gauge when you install it, make sure its at the front or back tho, dont want to skew the front end to the side.

    also, dont use JBweld...loctite green (bearing locker) is much better.
  4. Vinnie@proline

    Vinnie@proline Well-Known Member

    feeler guage

    +1 Dezmo has it for the at home fix
  5. 2bitsamile

    2bitsamile Member

    I used the loctite green bearing locker, it didn't work. The locker was still a little soft and crumbly when i took the bearing race out 1.5 yrs later. A clunk was heard from the front end when getting on the brakes.

    I'm going to use JBweld, pretty sure that will hold better, unless somebody has a better idea ..... thanks,alex
  6. Tunersricebowl

    Tunersricebowl Fog, onward through.

    Feeler gauge is the only way to go, it works.
  7. zeroice

    zeroice crotchrocketroadracer

    I used brass shim stock on mine. Can get shim stock kit at hobby lobby.
    Basically I trimmed the pieces I needed, about the width of the race, placed where they're needed to be and used superglue to secure.
    Then I used a .001" shim, twice the width of the 1st pieces so it tapers from a large ID to small ID instead of a step. That way when you press in the race it wont crumble the shim. I think I even have pictures of it... I can email them to you if you pm me your email adderss.

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