so this is proably a stupid question but i am going to ask anyways

Discussion in 'General' started by motomadman217, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. motomadman217

    motomadman217 Well-Known Member

    i was watching superbikes on speed awhile ago and saw a episode on the training that a motorcycle cop has to go through. Well the question is why does the cop not wear any gear? At the end part of the show they showed them in a track like condition draggin the pegs on the bmws that they ride and no gear at all. Just seems kinda stupid for who they are, but what do it know.
  2. Cliffy

    Cliffy Well-Known Member

    The simple response, they need to look like cops and be approachable by the public. They wear all required safety gear.

    Right or wrong that is the simple answer.
  3. ThrottleJock

    ThrottleJock Has been/Never was

    The fact that he's a cop automatically makes him unapproachable to me. But maybe that's because the only time I ever interact with them it's because I was jumping my motorcycle across the intersection or something.
  4. DeeZR6

    DeeZR6 WERA BBS #1

    Cuz cops are tough guys and the pavement ain't gonna do nuttin' to em!
  5. woodyracing

    woodyracing Well-Known Member

    yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw an article on the front page of the local paper with a big picture of the biker cops riding their Harleys wearing short sleave shirts and half helmets. You'd think they're cops and they'd set an example but then I thought about all the times I've been passed by 5+ city cop cars going well over 90mph with the front car's lights flashing just to get to a fish camp near my house to eat lunch. they eat there every day and every single day, they drive like maniacs down the highway. I've seen them run a truck off the road where the hwy went from 4 lane to 2 lane just to get to lunch. The biggest squid in town is actually a cop, though luckily not a biker cop. I've seen him get up to 150mph down the crowded interstate going through town and do burnouts at every stoplight while obviously wearing no gear other than a helmet. A friend of mine mentioned once that the local biker cops should be on faster bikes than Harleys but I say f' that, I know too many cops to trust them on fast motorcycles
  6. acerkic

    acerkic Well-Known Member

    The simple answer is that they have to wear the gear determined to be acceptable by the department they work for. In Chicago gear is the uniform of the day, riding boots (horse not motorcycle) helmet given by the department (riot, not motorcycle) and bullet proof west.
    To wear anything else is considered an uniform violation, and is punishable by suspension. Imagine taking 3 days off for full face helmet, or actual riding gloves/ boots.
  7. Thumper

    Thumper Saved by Grace

    They do a lot of traffic work that is standing around and it is hard to talk to someone if you are wearing a full face helmet. It is also hard to leave an area quickly if you have to put on helmet, gloves and jacket before mounting up. They need to be moble and comfortable enough to survive a hot summer day standing around. They usually wear leather when it turns cold. Most bike cops I talked too feel under protected while riding but can't take the time to put stuff on and off all day. They already put them selves in harms way just putting on the uniform and responding to dangerous situations. This is just one more way thay put it on the line for us. I hate getting a speeding ticket as much as anyone else but if I wasn't speeding I wouldn't have gotten a ticket. That is why I started racing. I like SPEED!!! (it's also why I've talked to several bike cops)
  8. Beer Slut

    Beer Slut Well-Known Member

    Off the topic of gear, but relating to motorcycle cop attitude, the coolest cop I ever met was a biker cop. He merged next to me onto the highway I was riding on. I was going about 20 over and he accelerated to about 30 over. I matched his speed from 100ft back, or so. He exited at my daily commuting exit and we stopped at the light side by side. I looked over and admired his bike and he looked at me and acknowledged going faster than he should've been. I admitted guilt as well. He told me he was going to get some repairs made and what his motorcycle needed. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it was a real down to earth friendly moment that I'll always remember.
  9. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I saw the same episode and wondered the same thing. Cops overseas often have modular full face helmets and proper jackets so I dunno why the guys here don't. Looks like the uniform here hasn't changed in 40 yrs.

    The moral of the story is anytime you watch Stupidbikes you are guaranteed to see something stupid.
  10. RR_Kid

    RR_Kid Formerly YZF600boy

  11. jLUND

    jLUND Well-Known Member

    Well....How could they ever eat donuts and ride at the same time if they had a full face helmet??

  12. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I would think that aerostitches and flip-up helmets would be more than appropriate for motor officers- I personally would like to see them similarly attired, for their safety... It seems too work for the Euros...

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