The Season end BIG GUY thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Buckwild, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. Booger Van der Jackass

    Booger Van der Jackass Well-Known Member

    I'm with you. Nothing like waking up feeling sharp. My tired ass body felt all tight and ready for action. Oatmeal looks like baby throw up.
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Luckily I like oatmeal. Been trying to eat it for breakfast every morning.

    4th day in a row for 30 minutes on the damned elliptical. Would have been more but I couldn't take it to the mountains last weekend. I think I hate that thing.

    fwiw on the bike, I did get one that can handle my size for the type of riding I'm currently doing (mostly flat trail no jumps, not too many hard hits on stuff). I figure if I can get to the point where my body can handle harder riding then I'll be smaller too.
  3. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    i LOVE otameal, been eating it everyday for the last 8 years. 2 packets evry morning with a big glass of skim milk, and non fat yogurt, yummy!
  4. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

  5. Morgan

    Morgan The AMA Guy

    Here's a plan that has worked very well for me. 325 at maximum density. Currently 247 and on pace for 225. The plan is simple in concept but surprisingly difficult to implement.

    It's called "PUT THE FORK DOWN!!!"

    Combine that with a healthy dose of “Get on a bike and PEDAL YOUR ASS OFF!!!”

    It works! Trust me.
  6. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    Oat meal in the diet I gave you guys can be spiced up a bit. Use some Splenda, a pinch of salt and some sugar free mapel suryp. I personally like it plane but I'm a freak like that.

    By the way, get the Quaker Oatmeal from Sam's in the 9lb box. It's only $6 and last a while.

    Oatmeal has soooo many great properties to help you loose weight. Great fiber and a low glycemic index are just a few. The sustained energy it will give you is unmatched.
  7. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Can the oatmeal be instant, and what about the preflavored stuff ?
    thanks guys
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    the flavored is high in calories.
  9. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Is the instant stuff ok though ?
  10. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    Instant simply digests faster but is fine. The pre-flavored ones aren't good. Not because of the oatmeal in them but because of the sugar. The purpose of oatmeal in a diet is a slow release of carbs which will turn to glucose to be used as energy. Ideally steel cut oats are the best but take a little time to cook. Personally I eat the Quaker instant in the 9 lb box.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    What he said :D I had no idea but I've been doing the instant figuring they were better than what I ate before which was nothing.
  12. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    :up: I'm glad to see a few of you guys are really putting in a strong effort to make a change! The first two weeks are the hardest. Get past that and you're good to go!
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I've been eating breakfast for a couple months. But the exercise part has only been regular for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping to be into it enough by next Wednesday that I'll ride the bike out in Vegas the following week.
  14. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    I have never been a breakfast guy unless its bacon eggs and homefries, which is maybe once a month . Other than that its coffee, sweet and light. I have been cutting back on the sugar the last couple of days. Im gonna give the oatmeal a shot. Thanks again for the imput fellas.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Me either on breakfast unless it was huge and served to me in a restaurant :D
  16. Morgan

    Morgan The AMA Guy

    Instant is fine but Mongo is right, try and stay away from the flavored if possible. You can find frozen, steel cut, oatmeal in some places that cooks up just as fast as instant and is much better. I get it Trader Joes.
  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    OK, I am not a nutritionist but I think I can tell you what your problem is. Your breakfast is way too big.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Hmmm, I think you might have an issue.
  19. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    Breakfast should be your single largest meal of the day. For the average sized active male it should be between 500-700 calories. This is assuming you’re not eating 3 honey buns and five pieces of bacon.
  20. MrGixxer1k

    MrGixxer1k Well-Known Member

    I was 215 January 2006,
    Now about 170 - 175.

    Started my version of the South Beach Diet, and Walking on the dread mill.
    In March I was about 190 and started running 3 -3.5 miles outside.

    Im still running 3 -3.5 miles 5 days week and Saturda or Sunday I run a 5 milers.

    I was up to 7 miles on a bike trail but moved and my 5 mile course is very hilly now. I think the effort is about equal.
    typical meals
    I have Oatmeal for breakfast
    2 yougarts, banana and apple for lunch

    Salad with ham or turkey and oil and vinagar

    on Fridays I treat myself to Teds Fish Fry in the name of religon..LOL

    I also eat EAS bars for snaks, or jello or fat free sugar free pudding.

    Running is much more enjoyable when I let myself eat a few carbs,

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