Caption this...

Discussion in 'General' started by Royale w/cheese, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    How you say.........choke?
  2. merle4

    merle4 Menace to sobriety

    Zat voice you hear late at night, ees me. Soon, I vill own zat ass both ways.
  3. UGAR-6

    UGAR-6 Well-Known Member

    Damn, haters. Gotta show love for Nicky, I hope he brings the championship back to the states.:up: If he doesn't, hope Vale wins. Can't stand Pedrosa even though he's a hell of a rider.
  4. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    Dang! It took long enough for a Nicky ass kisser to show up:rolleyes:

    Back to the purpoes of this thread.

    "So how does it feel, buddy. Leading the championship, and still considered #2"
  5. tim503

    tim503 Well-Known Member

    If the picture was on the podium, I can hear Rossi saying:

    Nicky, move over. You're in my spot. :D
  6. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Nicky thinking: My folks always taught Me to be nice, but Dude, what did You do, eat a shit sandwich and spit out the bread? No wonder Your soo fast, that f'ing bike is trying to get away from your stinkin ass.
  7. 976-FIZR

    976-FIZR In transition...

    [Rossi]: "Newnan! Newnan! Neewwww-nan! Miss it! Miss it! Missitmissitmissit-Ahh!"
  8. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    <my photo album>


    "Keep looking at me bitch. It's well published that i outweigh you by a mile. I could Always stomp your ghey ass in the pits if you win the championship. You girly assed bag o' dicks!!"

  9. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    Rossi - So wazz up with de waxed eyebrows man
  10. Jefe

    Jefe Wannabe

  11. TheGrouch

    TheGrouch Well-Known Member

    Eeef you spend less time on your eyebrows and more time on zee gas, eez possible for you to ween.
  12. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    Rossi - Those guys at the Wera BBS keep making fun of you
  13. Tortuga

    Tortuga Well-Known Member

    Eeem, is possible you can please give to me number for hair salon? You hair so, how you say? Uh, slipstream? Look like you go veddy fast eh even though, you, eh, not. Ok so, my hat is, um, no, eh, no cover de head and de riddim is veddy good. so ok thank you.
  14. racesbikes

    racesbikes WTB a Size 50/60 Race Suit

    Psssst Neeky........who dat guy beside you?
  15. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    Hey Neeky, who dis Mongo?
  16. dc2004600

    dc2004600 Well-Known Member

    Rossi - "Oh Nicky worry. Maybe AMA take you back. I heara you might take place of yur brother Tommy weet Kawasaki. Hey, can put good word in, yes???"
  17. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    No worry neeky, everyone no I cheeting peese o chit
  18. Navin74

    Navin74 Well-Known Member

    Hayden--- Hey, that's not my bellybutton!!
    Vale-- Don't worry, that's not my finger................
  19. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Neeky was that you?.........Dammit Neek........That stinks.
  20. gixracer

    gixracer Active Member

    rossi-- "i told you they would screw you(honda)"
    nicky--"i know but im a hillbilly and still need cash"
    rossi-- "i'm still faster"
    nicky -- in crybaby voice "i know"

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