So, drove by Mid-Ohio yesterday...

Discussion in 'General' started by Lizard 1, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    all flowing and stream of.... oh nevermind....:D
  2. lizard 2

    lizard 2 Well-Known Member

    Ok i get it now that was the type of day i was having everything all flowing together.
  3. lizard 2

    lizard 2 Well-Known Member

    Brian, Jerry from JJ racing is getting married on Feb 7 give me a call and i will fill you in on the details.
  4. lizard 2

    lizard 2 Well-Known Member

    Sorry it is Feb 4 not the 7th
  5. Wade Parish

    Wade Parish North Central Hawker

    Yeah, I think you over-estimated your audience just a tiny bit there, Peter.
  6. Lizard 1

    Lizard 1 Well-Known Member

    What, because he didn't recognize an author's name? Are you saying we're not as smart as say, you or Pete? Nice...
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    A tiny bit? :D
  8. Wade Parish

    Wade Parish North Central Hawker

    Uh, no. I was including myself in "your audience".
  9. JeebusX

    JeebusX The Suomy Guy...

    Hey Lizard, Where the hell is Mt. Gilead? :p
  10. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    In the middle of a corn field.

  11. owndjoo

    owndjoo muthapucka

    True Story:up:
  12. Lizard 1

    Lizard 1 Well-Known Member

    Oh, I think you know where it is. You know, the place with the shocked butcher who heard the request for 2" thick steaks?

    It's the location of the only hotel that has a Spiderman Suite...
  13. Lizard 1

    Lizard 1 Well-Known Member

    Gotcha - all's good. Hell, I live in the middle of a corn field - I can't be too bright, myself...;)
  14. Lizard 1

    Lizard 1 Well-Known Member

    You better get that Avatar replaced. That pile shown there is outdated...

    Are you wearing an HJC in that pic?:Poke:
  15. JeebusX

    JeebusX The Suomy Guy...

    Uh oh, are you threatening me?
  16. Lizard 1

    Lizard 1 Well-Known Member

    Only if I don't see a specific yellow helmet with a certain rabbit on the side show soon...:D
  17. R6#486

    R6#486 Shockin the Shockers!!

    Looks like he has on a Donny Special!!! Free Suomy!:up:

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