
Discussion in 'General' started by wera313, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. SRC

    SRC Member

    lol, I'm guessing you don't drink alcohol, or caffinated beverages, or smoke cigarettes, or take prescription medications, right?


    eh, you can't get around there being something bad about anything you get these days, ya know. Moderation is a key recommendation when taking, doing, or using anything.
  2. DDD570

    DDD570 Guest

    thank you. i simply won't waste the time. but i'm glad you did, :up:
  3. SRC

    SRC Member

    lol I'm a corner worker...I'm a professional time waster lol.

    *watches bikes go by* *taps foot* *looks around* *fiddles with radio* *hears bikes coming* *gets flag ready* *watches bikes go by* *puts flag down (hopefully)* *repeats last few actions for the next 10 hours* lol.
  4. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    Were you turn 10 flagger at GNF? welcome to the bbs. :up:
  5. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    I used to drink Ultimate Orange, before the jackasses,started to O.D. on the stuff, took other Ephedra based products, never really lost any weight.
    One of my sponsors www.nutrientscience.com makes a product called quick loss. Combined with that, lots of cardio, and a very healthy diet[almost no dairy] I lost 25lbs last winter,went from 24% body fat to 19%.
  6. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    I have lost 14 lbs in three weeks doing the eat less more often trick plus I took supplements from GNC. The supplements I took were called Ripped Kit. It includes good old fashioned water pills, an energy booster(ephedra free) called Thermo Burst, L-Carnitine, and a protein supplement. I am still taking them and I feel great. I have been working out mostly fat burning walking slow stuff on the treadmill, elliptical trainer, walking, or running sometimes twice a day. The biggest thing I had going for me is that I would drink at least one gallon of H2O per day.

    Supposedly a great way to lose weight that I have never really tried directly is called ketosis(sp?) in which you drink one ounce of water for every pound you weigh and you will shed weight. Afterall the first 10-12 pounds you lose is water weight gain anyhow.

    Whatever you do it takes discipline. Stick with it and you'll feel great. I actually was doing a weight loss thing because in the Marines you have a weigh in every 6 months because unlike our brothers in the Navy, the Marnes don't want fat people. (J/K Navy pukes!)
  7. V7 Jerry

    V7 Jerry Well-Known Member


    The zone diet is what has worked for me in the past. In ~ a 3 month time span I lost 22lbs, went from 21% to 10% body fat and gained 10lbs of lean muscle mass. Now I was lifting 5 days a week but I stuck to the zone diet and was lifting more than I had ever done when not on the diet. I believe the key was the protien intake that the diet has in it.

    It was also easy to follow as the food was broken down into "blocks". One block was 9g carbs, 7g protien and 3g of fat. I started on 13 blocks a day and at the end of the diet when I was down to 10% body fat I was actually up to 18 blocks a day just to get the require amount of protien for the muscle mass I had gained.

    I'd recommend this diet to anyone as it's the basic eat healthy small meals and do more diet. It has worked for my wife and myself and we both highly recommend it.
  8. SRC

    SRC Member

    Tha'd be me..and thanks, good to be here. Read alot of interesting stuff already. :)
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2005
  9. Mud Whistle

    Mud Whistle Get my icebike ON!

    I haven't used it in a while, but previously I had used TwinLabs Ripped Fuel, the EAS one (can't remember the name) and also the one that advertised in all the magazines right before they banned it. Anywho, some people are more sensitive to it than others. It never gave me the jitters and I had good success taking it 3-4 times per week, only in the morning before cardio (on an empty stomach). It boosted the effects of the cardio and increased the effects long after. Additionally, it's an appetite suppressant so it helped to keep on the diet. Now all of this was done along with sensible diet and 3-4 evening weight training sessions per week. The results were I dropped about 30 pounds and cut my BF % in half over 12 weeks. I tried to avoid taking it later in the day as it could cause insomnia. I'd try it and see how it works, but don't expect it to work on it's own. It's a SUPPLEMENT to your workouts, not a replacement for them.
  10. wera313

    wera313 Well-Known Member

    My plan is to use it the same way as you did; in the morning to make cardio work more efficent. I'll continue to lift 3/week but I want to seperate my lifting and cardio time, while increasing cardio time.

    I used to drink Red Bull some mornings before hockey and it made me feel a little jittery and weird on my skates. If this stuff does that to me I won't continue using it.
  11. SRC

    SRC Member

    If you go with Lipodrene and you eat atleast 30 min prior to taking the pill..you won't be jittery.

    Try either not eating and taking it, or taking it then eating..and you will have a nice set of the shakes for about an hour.

    Don't take more then 1 at a time, or 2 within 3 hours of each other...that is a bad idea.

    Trust me I've done all of the above..and it sucks once it starts lol.
  12. xtest

    xtest Village Idiot

    Ultimate Orange was the shit. I loved that stuff. Nothing brings out intensity like a serving of Ultimate Orange.

    FWIW, Dan Duchaine is the guy who was responisble for it.

    He has other "interesting" weight manipulation strategies.

    Like using DNP for weight loss.

    Check out his book:

    Underground Body Opus: Militant Weight Loss & Recomposition

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2005
  13. Streetman

    Streetman Well-Known Member

    Posts: 94
    I've lost 100 pounds in the last two years, 50 of which was in the last year. During that year I added about 25 pounds of muscle, so that's about 75 pounds of fat off. Did I take ehedra? Sure, sometimes. Why not?

    In the right dosage, it's safe. And for those who say it's not natural, hello!! It comes from an herb. Ephedrine Hydrocloride is the synthetic version. Such as Sudefed (sp?) which contains Psydoephedrine. I bet the people here whining that you're going to die have taken Sudefed.

    So anyhow, what you really want is anything with the E/C/A "stack". That is Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Asparin. Combing them resulted in a 7-10% increase in trials. The product you're looking at has that, all in one happy little pill. What a 7-10% increase in metabolism equates to is 210-300 calories extra burned if you're at 3000 calories a day.

    I've taken a few different types of ephedrine products. Zenalean works, as does anything else with the stack. Make your own stack with the ephedrine you find at a gas station, an asparin, and a cup of coffee.

  14. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

    I went from about 330 down to 223 a few years ago. I spent the frist 3 months on PHEN-PHEN. Talk about your magic pill. That shit was awesome. ( Nothing wrong with my heart)

    I stayed on it 3 mo. and that was it. Dropped about 45 lbs. on that stuff, and the rest was just diet and exercise.

    Matabolife helped some too. Ephedra is good stuff in moderation.
  15. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    I used Stacker 2 for quite a while about a year ago (in conjuction with the Weight Watchers program and exercising 2-3 times a week) but stopped taking it before an operation. I didn't have any problems with it and liked it alot. Helped speed my metabolism and gave me energy without making me hyper. I was getting it from Amazon.com but I don't think carry it anymore.
  16. Rich SmithMoore

    Rich SmithMoore Well-Known Member

    Not QUITE true. Jeremy has an EKG tape that's about 6 feet long thanks to the Ambulance Crew at Barber. According to the tape he still has 2/3 of his "Cardio".;)
  17. vonstallin

    vonstallin Я - Ребенок Люциферов


    Ok so i dug this up to see "How are you Now"?????

    Hey whats the name of that new steroid that alot of the athletes are getting busted for. its like ECL or something.???

    I use a ECA sort of stack:
    But now I replace The Caffiene with Hydroxycut (2 pills = 200mg of Caffiene)

    So its a EHA stack....
    This works well....
    I do tons of cardio i mean TON's of it and I can feel the difference.

    Ive used PHEN PHEN (best shit ever made for man) back in the late 90's and then Xenadrine was the next best thing until the Ehedra version was banned.

    It also helps with with laying the "LAW" down when she's acting like a naughty girl. :D

    I use it in moderation...
    Only the days im going to the gym (6 hours a week)....its the bomb...
    Ive used it b4 the races and for some reason i was calm and everthing was clear.

    I did get a little bit agressive...but in a clear mind way...
    But I only did it for the first two rounds this season.

    So since this thread...all thats still on here how much have you lost or gained since 2005?????

    what are you doing different???

    Are the folks that said dont take it right for telling you this??? any issues?
    anything good???

    Here are some pictures from the last rounds at Nelsons....

    My boy took this 20 minutes after i took the EHA stack..


    45 minutes later....


    60 minutes later....


    2 hours later....


    later that night...


    We had a little disagreement...

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  18. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    that guy posted he put on 25lbs of muscle in a year!!LOL thats funny right there....
  19. Sig

    Sig Well-Known Member

    what is "A LOT" of cardio?
  20. vonstallin

    vonstallin Я - Ребенок Люциферов

    well...alot to me...haa haa

    two hours of non stop indoor cycling from Hi resistance to 4 minute flat out sprints keeping the heart rate in the 85% and above range with no rest periods. two times a week.

    so 4 hours of it per week, (not including 2 hours of yoga since its technicaly not cardio).

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