MotoAmerica | Round 8 | Circuit of the Americas | 8-10 Sept

Discussion in 'General' started by Kurlon, Aug 22, 2023.

  1. Basura

    Basura Well-Known Member

    They are using Youtube to gain views/sponsors and brag on Linkedin, they released a whole series of posts about their growth w/ Youtube on Linkedin.

    They are in the customer acquisition business, they have to try something so they broadcast SBK live on Youtube.
  2. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    cBJr and MELK-MAN like this.
  3. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I don't know if I'll renew MA Live next year if they're going to put all the races on Youtube almost instantly. Seeing practice and qualifying live isn't that big a deal to me. I don't mind supporting them but with all the live stream problems they've had 3 years to fix and haven't I'm not so inclined to give them money for a poor product I can get for free an hour later.
  4. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    No, that sucked actually. But I figured it was due to the pricing of the facilty. We could have had a cooler at one of my friends pits but I just didn't think that far ahead.
    I spent ~$100 per day on beer, which wasn't that many lol
  5. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    Damn! I don't spend that much on beer in 5 years! They were $15 each?
    Boman Forklift likes this.
  6. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Yea, pinky up with a Bud Light isn't a good look these days. :Poke:
    Boman Forklift and pickled egg like this.
  7. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    Bud light was $10, Ultra was $13.75 and Stella was $14 something. I could be wrong but thats what I remember. Oh, they were 16oz'ers so a HELL OF A DEAL :)
  8. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    A small soda was like $6.
  9. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    So, I didn't realize, but MA posts reports of their races with a crapton of data. The 2023 COTA report hasn't been posted yet, but we've got 2022 numbers:

    30 entries (one class run, two races)
    53k TV household views
    2mil Streaming views
    4.4mil Social Media Impressions / 254k Social Media Engagements
    April 8 to 18th, 2022, event was April 8-10

    They go into lots more detail, for example, Live+ barely beat their Twitter video posts for views, YT blew it out of the water, FB blew YT out of the water. No attendance counted, guessing MotoGP didn't pass on that info? They show Laguna this year at 37k attendance for comparison. Looks like next week would be the close of the data window so should see a report for 2023?
  10. henry_carlson

    henry_carlson BREAD_RACING

    the turn around time is not consistent. they havent posted Pitt yet but its not a motogp policy its a cota policy to not release attendance figures
  11. Black89

    Black89 Well-Known Member

    Attack Yamaha fuel sample being sent to VP lab for analysis… apparently they used a barrel from 2022 at cota.

    dq? Time to tear the #1 plate off Jake’s bike? Herrin popping monogamy?
  12. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Fuel is definitely different this year, we melted a piston on an engine that was tuned on 2022 fuel. Dialed things back a bit and no more problems.
    Boman Forklift, Monsterdood and 418 like this.
  13. henry_carlson

    henry_carlson BREAD_RACING

    Id recommend listening to get the full story. It really seems that there is a ton of stuff going on around the fuel. It starts at roughly the hour mark. Also a few good 24 silly season rumors in there.

  14. Circacee

    Circacee Well-Known Member

    The Estenson Racing SBK Rumor had me a little happy! Fores moving to an SBK. '24 looking solid!
    henry_carlson likes this.
  15. E-Van

    E-Van Well-Known Member

    The on throttle time for JD in race 2 was pretty impressive. He was definitely on a mission.
  16. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Stanboloi said months ago he had a 2022 drum he was saving for COTA.

    He also said a while back that VP wanted to change the fuel for 2023 but the SBK teams voted no.

    Looks like apparently VP changed the fuel anyways and didn't tell nobody.
    MrGooch likes this.
  17. Yama-saurus

    Yama-saurus Well-Known Member

    Looks like all the podium fuel samples are actually "pending" , not just the Yamaha batch..... 3rd page is COTA Technical Inspection Log.pdf
  18. E-Van

    E-Van Well-Known Member

  19. Peter Hively

    Peter Hively Registered

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