Show me your view

Discussion in 'General' started by motion, Jul 22, 2022.

  1. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

  2. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Centrifuges. Had a week of meetings so the wife flew over at the end and we did a lil tour of Austria and north Italy. The KTM Halle is awesome. Tons of awesome bikes but I want this 250….

    Gino230, prm, Captain Morgan and 3 others like this.
  3. prm

    prm Well-Known Member

    Enjoying morning coffee

    TLR67, cpettit and auminer like this.
  4. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    From my front porch. Wall cloud rolling in. Shelter closet is cleared out for quick cover.



    Yzasserina, cpettit and Razr like this.
  5. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Looks like something's brewing. Are you at the start of tornado alley?
  6. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Yep. Right about where the blue dot is.

    The red polygons are tornado warnings. The closest one is the cell with the wall cloud posted earlier.

  7. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    At least you got some rain.
  8. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Lake Superior didnt disappoint last week. here is one for @Gorilla George, our Halloween visitor. this one is getting close to being able to be fed by hand. had three last winter, you could feed by hand. they would even come when I whistled. Ski
    dub 1031 lake superior.jpg

    dub 1031 fox sit.jpg dub 1031 fox eyes.jpg
  9. Dude that is awesome!

    When the wife was living on Redondo Beach in LA, there was a squirrel in her condo complex that I could feed by hand. It took a while of me feeding him (leaving it for him in the same spot, then I would leave), then finally he would watch me put it in that spot and would come get it when I got about 2m away. Then I would stand a little closer the next day, so on and so forth. Then finally I could put it on the ground right in front of me, pull my hand away, and he would come get it (but would move if i reached my hand out). That when on for a few days, then finally he would come take it out of my hand.

    I never got to actually pet him or pick him up though. After he finally got comfortable coming over and getting it out of my hand, I didnt want to ruin that and scare him away.
    skidooboy likes this.
  10. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    Drew Barrymore filming outside our window this morning

    Attached Files:

  11. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    @Gorilla George like this? so cool you were able to gain it's trust to feed it, up close and personal. the pic with my wife, was a full on wild fox, we were 40 miles from the nearest town, on a lake ice fishing. walked right up to her. I would never try to pet one, they are wild, and if they feel threatened, they will lash out. rabies shots are PAINFUL, from what I have been told. but, I still like to hand feed them. it is SO COOL, to have them trust you, and you them. Ski

    dub 11 eric fox.jpg

    dub 4 10 lynne fox.jpg
    Banditracer, Gorilla George and cBJr like this.
  12. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    That is a cool pic, that little dude could instantly take a finger off.
  13. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    What's your move?
  14. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    Shiiiit my ladies already out there trying to run game. I ain’t got a chance
  15. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    I never Drew was so dingy, I watched her show once.
  16. A. Barrister

    A. Barrister Well-Known Member

    At least can string complete sentence. Or I'm told. (SIC) :D
    cortezmachine likes this.
  17. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Objection....evident you haven't watched her show!
  18. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Dingy as in /ˈdinjē/

    Or dingy as in /ˈdɪŋ.i/

    In other words, are you saying that she's dirty or ditzy?
  19. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Oh I know she's dirty. There's a few post on here years ago about her, Courtney Love, a NYC nightclub, fluids flowing on stage, a magical evening. How about dingbat?
  20. Yes! Dude that is so cool.

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