TTX GP install on 15 zx6r

Discussion in 'Tech' started by Atahan Koymen, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. Atahan Koymen

    Atahan Koymen Well-Known Member

    Happy holidays everyone. I was installing ttx gp on my track bike today. As I was getting ready to tighten up everything I realized that the bottom bolt of the shock where it mounts to the rocker there is quite slop side to side. Everything is torqued and tight but I can actually move the shock right to left from where it is mounted on the bottom. It looks like the inner width of the clevis is lot larger than the stock one. Is it possible that I got the wrong size clevis. Or is there a bushing I need to get to compensate. Any one ran into this problem.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    I would question whether or not that is the correct clevis, or there may be a bushing that you can transfer from the stock shock maybe?

    I replaced the shock on my 2012 and didn’t have this issue. I’m almost positive from 05-18 they are all the same length/shape wise.

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  3. Atahan Koymen

    Atahan Koymen Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure there is no bushing to transfer from stock shock. When I go back to the shop I am gonna check and compare inner width of both stock and ohlin clevis.
  4. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    That’s a great idea and will definitely shed some light on this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. jd41

    jd41 Well-Known Member

    Does the clevis for flush to the bushing?
  6. Atahan Koymen

    Atahan Koymen Well-Known Member

    I measured stock and the ohlins bottom clevis. They are identical inner width 30mm . So it is not the wrong size clevis. I wonder they are all like that. With that much play side to side. I wish I can show a a video but I can't figure out how to download the video or pictures.
    Side to side play should not create any handling problem but it just doesn't feel or look right. If it was the swing arm moving right to left thats a no no. I am going to install the stock shock back again to see how that feels compared to ohlins.
  7. Atahan Koymen

    Atahan Koymen Well-Known Member

    I am not sure i understand you. When everything is torqued head of the bolt and clevis has no space in between but the nut has no space to the clevis but I see space between the shock and the clevis on the nut side. And I can actually move the shock sideways because of that little gap. I wish I can send the video somehow
  8. jd41

    jd41 Well-Known Member

    Mine had a bit of play when I swapped out the shock. I made sure the clevis size was the same and the were no gaps with the bushing. You probably didn't notice before taking the stock one out.
  9. Atahan Koymen

    Atahan Koymen Well-Known Member

    Let me ask you this. That sleeve looking thing inside the bottom hole of the rocker where the shock bolt goes through ( I don't know right word for it.) That sleeve is sliding inside that hole right to left thats why I think shock is moving right to left a little. Now is that normal for that sleeve to move right to left?? It actually fell off once on the floor..
  10. jd41

    jd41 Well-Known Member

    If this is what you are referring too then yes, a small amount of movement. Pics from ebay.


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  11. Atahan Koymen

    Atahan Koymen Well-Known Member

    YES!!! Thats the gap I see. Must be normal. I feel lot better now. Thanks!!
  12. beathiswon

    beathiswon Well-Known Member

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