Thanks to the one that made it all possible...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Gorilla George, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck


    Don't be a dick predates 2019 years ago.

    The Golden Rule didn't originate in the book of Matthew, either. Its traceable roots go back to the ancient Egyptians.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  2. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member


    That is the most repeated bullshit argument on human morality.
  3. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Its real difficult to say what the winner of a major event feels. Policing their language is silly though. They earned the moment to say what they wish, even if it is or is not utter bullshit.

    YOU have never seen, heard from or have any evidence of existence of a supreme being. Neither have I. Plenty of other people say they have. You can think that they are a liar or have mental issues but you have absolutely no way of knowing if their experience is real or not.

    I have a tendency to not believe in things I dont/cant see. Bigfoot, ghosts, friendly people from Wilmington, etc all come off as fiction to me. So does God. Even the evidence of extra terrestrial life is considerably more overwhelming than that of God. Science allows me an opportunity to explain everything in life, thus negating God, until I get to love. That is the one thing I cant provide scientific explanation to justify. It is that one thing that makes me not fully disagree with the existence of a supreme being.

    And before anybody tries to explain love to me scientifically, dont. People much smarter than any of you have tried and they come up short. :)
  4. Knowing right from wrong was around long before Christianity was even a thing. It initially stems from a desire to avoid punishment (or pain), and/or it is learned from mimicking others. Avoiding pain is a self-defense mechanism, because the human body's primary purpose is self-preservation. As soon as one person feels pain, he can immediately determine he doesn't want to make others feel the same pain. That doesn't require a deity.

    Poke a 5 year old with something sharp, and they know it hurts. They can then ascertain for themselves that they don't want to (or wont) poke their mom with something sharp. At that point they have likely never heard of god, or know anything about the bible.

    As society progressed, morals progressed into the social paradigm (feelings, emotions, etc).

    At its root, it is basically a worldwide acceptance of "do unto others and you would have them do unto you" (whether it be physical pain, emotional pain, distress, etc). You don't have to be religious to learn and/or understand that.
  5. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Can kill is still just a possibility of it occurring which is basically the same as I wrote..
  6. Love is easy, it is a release of Oxytocin (and one other chemical, the name escapes me now). It has and can be scientifically quantified.

    No need to change my words, NOBODY has ever been able to provide evidence of any god, theirs or anyone else's. If you read my previous posts, you will see that I researched this shit for a long time, with an open mind...and found nothing. Not a single ounce of REAL evidence...anywhere.

    This is something that has been going on for thousands of years. Don't you think that if there was even just ONE photograph, recording, video etc of ANY god...we would ALL know about it by now? If there was a single shred of tangible evidence of any god, anywhere in the world, it would bog down the internet, be on every TV station, hell it might stop the rotation of the Earth.

    People say they have, but that is only because they know (as already stated), you can't prove a negative (see my post about magical invisible fairies that guide me, rather than a GPS). All they have to say is "god spoke to me"...and they KNOW that it is impossible to prove them wrong.

    But ask ANY of them to provide tangible evidence, and they have none.

    Again, if something is truly real, faith is not a prerequisite for its existence.
  7. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    None of which refutes my point, go back and read it again.
    You're letting hate for Christians cloud your thinking.
  8. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Why didn’t the native tribes learn this basic lesson?
  9. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Nope..It is still a theory because we don't have the knowledge or evidence to prove it. Nothing is a fact until it is proven. I give the big bang theory about a much credence as I do the "God created everything in sevens days." nonsense.
    cav115 likes this.
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I didn't make an argument on human morality, go
    back and read it without your filters. I am speaking
    about the specific history of this country.
  11. MVA25

    MVA25 Well-Known Member

    Forget all the denominations. After all, they are all man made.
    I mean , if Jesus Christ of the Bible is who He says He is, would you follow Him?

    You seem to have a lot of requirements to even consider seeking Jesus... (That’s more of a question than a statement)
  12. "god created everything" is a hypothesis....the "big bang" is a theory; there is a HUGE difference.
  13. Everything said in my previous post applies that same question.
  14. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    We could argue that point but the big bang group is no closer to proving their theory than the god crowd is at proving theirs.
  15. That is simply not true.

    And as far as arguing the definitions, there is nothing to argue; "hypothesis" and "theory" are two totally different terms, with different meanings.

    A hypothesis is essentially a guess. Guessing "god creating everything" and "Shrek invented everything" are equally credible, and neither one has any evidence behind it.

    A theory starts out as a hypothesis, then withstands the scientific method and is generally accepted as fact because it is backed by evidence and has been tested, with repeated results.
  16. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    you have to realize that those morals were learned because of the Christian values inherent in our social fabric in this country.

    You are the one looking through a filter. All morals learned in modern America are the decendants of Christianity? Are those Cortez's morals or the Puritans? No native or immigrant traditions have informed this?
  17. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    But to make either fact you have to have a testing procedure that produces the exact same results no matter who performs the testing. So while you may feel that one is further along in its ability to be proven than the other they are both still a damn long way from being proven and likely never will be.
  18. MVA25

    MVA25 Well-Known Member

    I would say most people already have their minds made up in this thread. These topics usually turn into a, who can come up with the best sounding sentence/paragraph, who is smarter, or I’m so tough(prideful)you’ll never change me,blah blah blah...myself included in some of them.

    I chose to follow Jesus Christ. If the opportunity presents itself to share who He is or give thanks in public, I will. I certainly won’t shove it down your throat or condemn you to hell. I don’t know the struggles that person may be going through at that time/past. I’ll just simply share the Gospel . If that person tells me to shut up, I will. If they walk away, oh well. It’s not up to me to change their mind.

    But, everyone of us will find out the truth when we die. If the non believer is right and I’m wrong, then I’ve lost nothing. However, if I’m right and the non believer is wrong, well then... And they certainly aren’t going to outsmart God.
  19. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    One has withstood measurable tests and the other has not. He doesn't "feel" one is further along at all - it is.
    SuddenBraking and Gorilla George like this.
  20. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Just like the other there are a bunch of folks running around convinced the test they have created to prove it are proven and correct. The reality is there is no guarantee that they are any more correct than the believer at this point. The one thing I'll give science is that they are at least trying to come up with a way to prove and completely understand it. The other side just runs around saying trust us, we know it's true.

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