The Powersports Industry & M/C Roadracing

Discussion in 'General' started by Pneumatico Delle Vittorie, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It takes less research because you see so many more of them via the interwebs. The majority who are good kids doing good stuff don't get noticed. There have always been this many whiney little bitches out there. They just didn't have as big a platform as now.
    Motohead8 likes this.
  2. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    The main things I've seen with younger staff, is always looking at their phone and being less concerned with showing up on time.
    ducnut likes this.
  3. ts199

    ts199 Well-Known Member

    So who’s freakin fault is it? Boomers for being old and dying or Millennials for having no morals? We need to know who to hate!!!!!
    stk0308 and Hoffman900 like this.
  4. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    I try to keep my hate without bias, I hate everyone equally.

    (Plus it helps keep me warm in the winter.)

    Laz and Banditracer like this.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not so much the phones because they didn't exist but when I was younger the inattention was there as was lack of concern in showing up on time or at all.

    I think y'all are just too old to remember how fucking stupid your friends and other people your age were :D
  6. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    people used to drink hard liquor at work during the day. and had to use a type writer and send physical letters. efficiency is up like 400%, crashing your car into your neighbor's mailbox trying to pull into your driveway drunk on your way home is down probably 800%. also, millennials don't have to take 20 smoke breaks a day. efficiency up like 500% actually...

    Hoffman900 likes this.
  7. Hoffman900

    Hoffman900 Well-Known Member

    Good grief.

    I took a tour of an old steel mill once... the guy giving the tour use to work there and made a joke about “that spot” being where they use to hide their liquor. My immediate thought was “no wonder they moved operations out of here / or replaced you guys with robots”.

    < millennial.
    Sweatypants likes this.
  8. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    Spend a few hours in a steel mill and you will be looking for a place to hide some booze also....
    AC1108, ducnut and OldSchlPunk like this.
  9. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

    Shitty places to work, having been in several and talking to the guys. I used to sit at the employee crosswalk, before shift change, and could physically see the dread on their faces and in their stature.
    YamRZ350 likes this.
  10. Pneumatico Delle Vittorie

    Pneumatico Delle Vittorie Retired "Tire" Guy

    Sounds like a challenge here to me? Let's see who can R & R 20 sets of Pirellis on wheels first. I'll be at Daytona this Fall. FYI It's manual labor contest
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
    ducnut likes this.
  11. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    You mean on here, right?
  12. Grandpa‘s off his meds again.
    mpusch, scottn, Scotty87 and 3 others like this.
  13. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    Let's see who can multiply 2 numbers in their heads first. I'll print out a 2nd grade math test. I'll be in DC all year. FYI its a brain contest for children.

    See how that works? P.s. I can change tires haha. 10 years of drifting will learn you that skill. Don't yell at me for not going to a shop now...
    Scotty87 likes this.
  14. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    A good friend worked at the Homestead US Steel works out side of Pittsburgh. There was a left over steel girder that hung out into the crane bay. They sent a guy up to torch the beam out of the way. The dufus sat on the end of the beam and torched it off, classic sawing off the limb you're sitting on. What's more interesting is the mill Hunkies stood around down below and watched wondering if it was really going to happen....sure enough, kersplat.

    On a different occasion we were at the bar just outside the main gate on New Years eve. We were playing pool and watching Pitt play in a bowl game. The bartender was playing chess with the one other guy in the bar. A few minutes before 11:00pm the keep stops playing chess, sets up about 100 beer glasses and 100 shot glasses along the bar. He power pours the beers with IC and same for the shots with Imperial. At 11:00 the whistle blows and 2 minutes later 100 (this just a guess) guys, all in grey pants, sort of white tees and carrying aluminum lunch boxes all walk in. A shot and beer goes down the hatch. By 11:15 the bar was empty except for us playing pool and the keeper playing chess.
    ducnut likes this.
  15. Hoffman900

    Hoffman900 Well-Known Member

    A tough place to work with heavy equipment and molten metal is all the more reason to NOT be drunk on the job. o_O
  16. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

    I’ve been in that plant, several times. Even though I live in IL, I used to run over into that area on Sunday, deliver Monday, and haul out of there, to processing plants in OH, the rest of the week.
  17. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Take the following however you choose or dismiss it:

    Over the weekend at the track I cornered Ray Hickman to glean some knowledge about oiler GSXRs. We started shooting the breeze and he mentioned this may be the last year he races his 7/11 monster because “ I turned 70 this year and it’s STARTING to become a handful to race”.

    When I got home yesterday from Barber, I called the local diesel shop as I am having them install some things on the new to me GMC Duramax. I expected Brent the owner to answer, but his son Blaine did (who is one of my students, he’s 17). I asked him about my appointment on Wednesday. He said, “ Yep Mr. Storck, I’m actually doing the install on your truck. We are finally caught up on the farm I work at and I’m helping Dad at the shop Wednesday. I’ll do a good job on your truck.”

    My point being there are good, hardworking people in all generations as well as non-hackers.

    Fish on.
  18. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    My god dude. You’re aware there’s like one actual millennial participating in this thread, and he’s not the one who took it down that road, right? Lord that is some thick ass irony.
    Mot Okstef and ducnut like this.
  19. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

    Please, do tell.
  20. Mot Okstef

    Mot Okstef Living on the Island of Misfit Toys

    Holy hell! That was a long time ago. :eek:

    That mill closed in 1986 and is now the Waterfront and the Sandcastle Water Park. The history of that place is amazing including the strike in 1892. Those were some hard core MF'ers working there. I think it's cool they left the chimney stacks, water tower and blast furnace as a memory. Lots of history there. :cool:
    ducnut likes this.
  21. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Very well said. I work in several industries all across america and see plenty of young, hungry talent coming up every year. There are plenty of lazy shits that will always mope and complain but the majority will grow up and get to work. If you look at the older generation now you can still see the ones who were the type that so many are bitching about today. Plenty of mamas boy snowflakes in the 60s, 70s and 80's too.
    scottn, Scotty87 and ducnut like this.

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