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Comcast / BeIn Sports?

Discussion in 'General' started by Gino230, Aug 10, 2018.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Which doesn't make it their fault if they're bringing more viewers to the cable company...
  2. The point is that people are blaming Verizon, Comcast, Charter, etc. and that blame is misplaced. BeIN made the decision to jack up their rates, not the cable providers.

    More to your point, the argument could be made that BeIN is justified in jacking up their rates. That might be true. But as far as who is to blame for causing these “blackout” situations, that blame falls on BeIN.
  3. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    But if they're bringing more viewers, then maybe they should generate additional revenue by increasing their ad costs rather than trying to pull it from the cable companies.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  4. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Maybe the cable companies are bringing more viewers to them.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  5. Scott47

    Scott47 Well-Known Member

    Something must have got worked out because bein is magically back on Verizon today. I turned on TV and moto America was on. Nice surprise
  6. Keep an eye on your cable bill.

    It is HIGHLY unlikely that Verizon (or any of them) will eat the additional cost.

    Not only because they wouldn’t want to, but also because of the precedence it would set. HBO, ESPN, Fox, etc...they could all decide to be like “you know what, we are jacking ours up too”.

    So either they threatened to drop BeIN permanently and BeIN backed off, or they came to an agreement on the rate increase, and at some point it will be passed on to the customers.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You're the one insistent on blaming someone - if Bein is bringing the numbers they are justified in raising their rates - at which point the blame does fall on the other companies from not paying the higher fee. But the reality is there is no blame, it's a business negotiation and nothing more.

    As for the rest of it - that is exactly how it works. If your channel is bringing in viewers you charge more for that channel. That is the entirely of the business so that is the precedent...
  8. I don’t give a shit about any of it. I don’t use any of those networks, therefore I am not the one insisting on placing blame.

    The people who have started the “fuck you Verizon” type of threads are the ones placing blame. We are saying that blame should be directed towards BeIN...as they are the one who started all of this by jacking up their rates. So if someone wants to place blame for losing BeIN, that blame should be placed on BeIN.

    Verizon/Comcast/Charter/etc didn’t just wake up and decide to drop BeIN for no reason. It is all because of them raising their rates and expecting the networks to eat the extra costs.

    Nobody said the increase was or wasn’t justified. It may very well be. But that doesn’t change the fact that BeIN decided to jack up their rates....hence the BeIN blackout across many networks.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    YOU are saying blame Bein. You KEEP saying blame Bein.

    I am saying there is no blame in a deal like this. Yet you keep trying to place blame because someone else did so first.
  10. Ok.

    We will just leave the blame where they originally placed it.

    Fuck Verizon. Fuck Comcast. Fuck Charter. Fuck Spectrum. Fuck all of them.

    Those companies should have known and expected BeIN to raise their rates, and when they did, they should have just ate the extra costs without any interruption in service.

    There ya go.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Wow. What the hell is wrong with you and why are you all freaked over this? :crackup:

    Yes, the original people placing blame are wrong. Is that better?

    Again - no blame. No one to blame.
  12. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Just a plain old business deal. If your product is in demand then the cost is likely to go up. As the final consumers we do have a choice...a lousy one perhaps but still.....
  13. Yes. That’s better.

    I’m not freaked over this, just in a bad mood. I specifically asked for an updated OEM Manual to get the torque specs for the Lateral T-Seal on the new Blind/Shear Rams.

    The response was “I’ll get it to you, but the torque is the same as the old Shears”

    So the guys spend 2 days closing the BOPs.

    Now they send the manual through, and he was wrong, the torque is different. So now I’ve got to tell the guys all of that work was for nothing and they have to open the BOPs again. :mad:

    BeIN is the least of my worries. We just so happened to be discussing BeIN as I was also reading my work email.
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Wow, dude is an idiot guessing at torque specs like that. I'd be pissed too.
  15. Without a doubt...and I am in the middle of expressing that to him right now.
  16. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    Now, now, no uppercutting fellow employees. ;)
  17. He isn’t an employee of mine. He works for a vendor, and apparently doesn’t comprehend how catastrophic it could be if a set of Shear Rams failed while actively containing a high pressure influx.

    Deepwater Horizon should be mandatory viewing material for everyone in the industry, even the little guy who is in charge of nothing but distributing manuals with proper torque specs.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018
    gt#179 likes this.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I foresee an email server crashing due to the volume of words in one single email....
  19. rcarson15

    rcarson15 Well-Known Member

    I was able to log in to BeIN yesterday from my computer and still live stream the MA SB race (Fios). They removed the channel from the TV, though.
  20. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    Ahhh I see, in that case let the uppercutting commence.
    Gorilla George likes this.

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