Daytona 2017

Discussion in 'General' started by twodocs, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. 418

    418 Expert #59

    So like, link anybody?
  2. Anne and Barnes have been bf/gf for some time now. At least a year.
  3. That is what I am hoping for. Between the shitty streaming and announcers, I gave up.

    I love to watch racing more than anyone. I watch at least 2-3 races every day, year round. I've watched every single race on the WorldSBK and MotoGP video passes (all sizes of bikes, and going as far back as races from the '90's), I've watched every race from the CEV, CIV, Australia Superbike/Supersport, and even the IBM Championship (where they don't even speak English).....but I just couldn't tolerate that shit yesterday.

    They should have taken some of that $175k and made the production/coverage better. That would go a long way towards getting more exposure for future events and getting/keeping more fans.

    The technical issues, wrong settings, etc are inexcusable because fanschoice has been covering races for years. This wasn't their first rodeo.

    IMO, the teams, sponsors, and riders who poured thousands of dollars and months of preparation into this event deserve better.

    The whole "but it was free" thing doesn't hold water. That is no excuse. If you are going to do something, then do it right. If money is an issue, then charge a $5-$10 subscription fee to watch it. I am sure we would all pay $5-$10 to have quality coverage and good announcers.
    badmoon692008, daveknievel and 418 like this.
  4. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    What's the dude from Digital Underground doing with that chick?
    Steeltoe and 5axis like this.
  5. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I thought I heard him mention it. That he has been on the receiving end in the past. Did I imagine that?
  6. mpusch

    mpusch Well-Known Member

    No, he did say that. It still sounded like a bit of a jab, but that's racing!
  7. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    A friendly jab, yes. Anything more and I think you'd be reading too much into it.
    mpusch likes this.
  8. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Last year a few recordings popped up on youtube, but I'm pretty sure they were just captures of the live stream, so I'm assuming if there are any floating around out there they will have the same missing footage that the live stream did when it dropped in the middle. I don't think Fanschoice ever posted the full race online last year.
  9. Black89

    Black89 Well-Known Member

    Looks like Mesa threw down a low 47 today in a sprint

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  10. Looks like a few 47.5's.
  11. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Sooooo...any reason why you haven't done the 200 yet?

    Out of all the people I know I'd think you'd fucking love it. All that seat time.
    Funkm05 likes this.
  12. mpusch

    mpusch Well-Known Member

    I didn't take it as mean-spirited or anything.
  13. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Not that often, that I remember. I do remember watching the Daytona 200 in 93 or 94 and the guy I hired to refinish my window in the living room, was watching the race with me.
  14. Eh, I don't know. Me and Brian Van have talked about doing it together a couple of times in years past. But it never really materialized.

    There isn't really one main reason, more of a combination of various reasons.

    I've never been to the track and don't know the layout.
    Don't have any of the quick change stuff or gas tank.
    Don't know anything about the facility, where to go/park/setup/etc.
    Don't have a CCS/ASRA license.
    Don't know who I would get to crew for me (other than Livengood).
    Then there is the idea of essentially throwing away a motor build.
    It is a long, long haul from northeast TN.
    I don't want to have to bother with arranging licenses, passes, crew shirts, all of that kind of shit.

    Then there is the fact that I'm 6'2", 215lbs with broad shoulders. The only thing I would accomplish is setting up a bunch of other riders for some killer drafting.

    I just don't care enough about spending $10k or some shit prepping for and doing one race, that I have absolutely no chance of winning. I would rather put that money and effort towards some WERA Endurance racing.

    It is one of those things that i wouldn't mind doing, and might possibly do one day. But i would want to do the Team Hammer school prior to the actual Daytona event to learn the track and get some instruction from those guys.

    And then it would have to be a situation where everything else is arranged and taken care of by a manager/crew, and I just fly/drive down, bring my gear, and jump on a bike.
    Phl218 likes this.
  15. flyboy

    flyboy Well-Known Member

    Wow!!! Thats a lot of excuses!!! LOL
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  16. knedragon29

    knedragon29 Well-Known Member

    Always hated that place , very little track time ,very good amount of money spent !
    vizsladog likes this.
  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  18. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    I was gonna ask what Moby was doing at bike week.
  19. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    But you can watch the entire season of Aussie Superbike and FX streaming in hd free.

  20. It's a money pit and hard on equipment. Plus after having a clutch basket lock up on NASCAR 2, bouncing off the wall? Getting split by 4 guys and keeping it upright long enough for the rear to blow (and still staying upright) I called it quits there.

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