Sometimes you see the darndest things by the side of the road

Discussion in 'General' started by Metalhead, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I find a human head in a ditch and all you Perves can talk about is a dick in a bag. :D
  2. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Yeah but, wouldn't you say dicks in a bag is more interesting than a severed head? I mean, head removed you're dead. Dick? Good chance of survival.

    And a really cool story to boot.

    I'm just sayin.
  3. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Dude ... did you look at the pic? It wasn't a real dick.
  4. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Unlike y'all, I tend to just glance at dicks then look away. I prefer looking at Vajay-jays. Although not in a grocery bag.
  5. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Given that his post even said it was "a dildo in a bag", we didn't have to look real hard. Lol!!
  6. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    What if there'd been no pic? Y'all em effers woulda been howling for one.
  7. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Nah ... we've seen your pic before. :Poke:
  8. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

  9. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Halfway there. Just need a bag. Where's Shaneequa? :crackup:

    You know I'm just messin.
    Phl218 likes this.
  10. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    She wearing the other bag. We old.:D:Pop:
    Funkm05 likes this.
  11. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I said
  12. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    Why was it in a bag? If your done with said dildo, why not just throw it out the window? Was it used for anal, and someone didn't want feces on their interior incase they had a ricochet off the A-pillar upon the discard at 55 mph? Or was it newly purchased and it was left on the roof of a car like a shoe and someone drove off?

    These are questions that need answers.
    V5 Racer and Funkm05 like this.
  13. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Maybe they thought it could get them pregnant so they had to wrap it, first.
    daveknievel likes this.
  14. splyn

    splyn Well-Known Member

    some more details:
    1) the street was wet
    2) only shoes in the vicinity were mine (see pic 1) and probably a pair or two on a power line nearby
    3) dogs were only mildly interested in sniffing
    4) no horrified or strangely pleased people around
    5) not mine
    6) i did not touch dildo or bag-o-dildo
    7) for better photo op, i did kick bag-o-dildo
    daveknievel likes this.
  15. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Those shoes are tainted for life.
  16. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    Given the places that dildo has been...the taint was just the start. :eek:
  17. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    what ever happened to Kevin Boda?
  18. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    Eeewwwww! That's just.....wrong. Sheesh!
  19. jim weaver

    jim weaver Well-Known Member

    was that Bodas dildo?
  20. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    Bodas would have been much larger.

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