Road Racing Portfolio???

Discussion in 'Information For New Racers' started by Prodigy The Epyon Pilot, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Prodigy The Epyon Pilot

    Prodigy The Epyon Pilot Sir John Hampton 728

    So...iv been trying to do some research about Racing Portfolios...Havent been able to find anything to concrete on a template for it, and wondering if anyone has any experience or tips on building a portfolio to present to possible sponsors and or even to just keep on hand at any events I race at!?...
  2. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm guessing you're talking about a resume for sponsors or the like?
  4. Prodigy The Epyon Pilot

    Prodigy The Epyon Pilot Sir John Hampton 728

  5. Prodigy The Epyon Pilot

    Prodigy The Epyon Pilot Sir John Hampton 728

  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not sure there is a proper way to do it but search the forums here - lots of good ideas over the years. It's hard to get anything without knowing the people involved. Main thing is you have to be able to show them what you can do for them before you ask them for something. Also don't sell yourself cheap.
  7. Prodigy The Epyon Pilot

    Prodigy The Epyon Pilot Sir John Hampton 728

    True True!...ask for all this help and go out there and bum it and be in the back would not be a good look! appreciate the help and will definitely search the forums for more info!...Thank you!
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm not talking about results - those don't matter as much as people think. You have to be able to help them do something for their business if you expect them to give you money. If they sell widgets then you have to show how you can help sell more widgets. If they're a service then show how you can help get more customers and so on.
  9. Prodigy The Epyon Pilot

    Prodigy The Epyon Pilot Sir John Hampton 728

    OHHHHHH!!!...I understand now...basically I have to be able to bring something to "their table" before I get invited in to eat at their table!...its more of a business look and I have to be beneficial in some shape for or manner to their business
  10. dsmitty37

    dsmitty37 Well-Known Member

  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Exactly. Unless you can find friends with companies that want to support you just because they like you and/or racing then it's always a business relationship.
  12. Prodigy The Epyon Pilot

    Prodigy The Epyon Pilot Sir John Hampton 728

  13. dsmitty37

    dsmitty37 Well-Known Member

    Most companies I have found when applying for sponsorship want to know how you can help them....this where thinking outside of the box can help out.

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