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Buyer Beware: Frank Babuska Sr

Discussion in 'General' started by Ducti89, May 21, 2016.

  1. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    So, nobody claimed the $100?
  2. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    VFR#52 likes this.
  3. Ducti89

    Ducti89 Ticketing Melka’s dirtbike.....

    We'll use a carillo rod as the festivus pole so you can beat people about the head and face while berating them in how they disappointed you that year.
    flyboy, VFR#52, LilBabyGirl and 3 others like this.
  4. Monsterdood

    Monsterdood Well-Known Member

    I know, i know :beer: but I figured I would try since when you quit trying, you're probably taking a dirt nap in your wooden overcoat.
  5. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    Rising and ToofPic like this.

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    not a problem... and yo STILL have ZERO information on this topic. None. No frame of reference, and thus know NOT ONE FUCKING thing, and just like to post for the sake of posting. And shock value. Like bringing up Darrin Luck. That guy has more talent in his little finger than you do in your entire body.. Will he always be remembered for the 750 thing? sure. But make no mistake, that guy could ride a fucking motorcycle. When you bring that up for the 1000's time (as you often do) remember that. The guy could ride a fucking motorcyle. REALLY well. And here's something you surely don't know. He was continuing to be accused of riding a 750 when he was kicking everyone's ass at our races. He announced that anyone is able to put up $500 and tear his bike down. If it's a 750 , or a cheater in any way.. they get the bike. No takers.

    MJ has been accused of doing a LOT of shady stuff. I am not gonna go out on a limb and say "he did ____" as he never did anything to me, but more than a few people that i respect highly, know the inside scoop on that guy. so stop pretending to know stuff about a topic you don't have a clue about.
    TurboBlew likes this.
  7. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Melk man, either come up with some substantial evidance or shut the fuck up. You are just spewing rumors until then.
  8. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    What parts of the bike was misrepresented by dumb fuck Sr. Do you guys not understand?

    When op talked to Sr about bike he said he had x,y,z, parts. When op got bike it was missing x,y,z, parts. If MJ fucked Sr that's Sr problem. Sr sold the bike to op and it was not what he said he was selling. It is up to Sr to make it right with op and if MJ fucked him, he should have to take that up with MJ.

    It's that simple. As of right now Sr stole 12k of op money. Had he been truth of what the bike really wa,s op wouldn't of bought the bike.

    Do what you gotta do to get your 12k back and fuck what these guys say. They must have way to much money and don't care about getting there hard earned money away.
  9. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    So you're just like about everyone else in this thread...going off of hearsay with regards to MJ. If you have specific facts, then share them.
  10. Ducti89

    Ducti89 Ticketing Melka’s dirtbike.....

    I intend to see what my options are this upcoming week. There's good people here and honest racers that are looking for a competative bike to satisfy their need and goals in this sport and they need to be made aware that this CAN happen but is not the norm.

    There are others in the same boat as I in this matter. I cant elaborate to much further because they dont want to push the issue for whatever reason. Its not as bad as my situation but some things in my case carry over to theirs.

    Im going to have detractors here. Fast, established guys will back fast, established guys. Thats how it goes sometimes.

    We shall see how legal cousel goes next week.

    I put my money where my mouth is for the world to see so to speak and ill continue to keep you guys informed with accurate information as it progresses.
  11. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    I just need to know,

    Am I still suppose to have a boner?
  12. CMRA 270

    CMRA 270 Comes here for the latest CMRA gossip

    :crackup: He's not afraid to travel for the fisticuffs either!
    dakinesuzukinut likes this.
  13. Monsterdood

    Monsterdood Well-Known Member

    My advice is to not and try to solve other people's issues with FBS directly. If he owes them a part and then sold it, he still owes him the part, not you. The same reason why it doesn't matter what MJ did for FBS, it only matters what FBS sold you and what he delivered. If someone brings documentation that you are in possession of stolen goods, then give it to the police and have the other party file a stolen property report. Don't try and act as the police (in an official duty) in this instance unless you are following all appropriate procedures and documentation. You need to keep this as simple as possible between two parties. You paid for something, it wasn't delivered, it's between you and the seller. Good luck.
  14. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    I can get my ass whooped right here at home'or some where in my zip code..I cant even imagine a plane ride with my ass in my hand..
    Who the hell says fisty cuffs anymore?? We aint in some fairy land anymore..
    Speak redneck when talkin asswhoopery :flag:
    speedluvn and CMRA 270 like this.
  15. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    This probably wont make you feel any better,but I have had friends screw me over the years about as good as your recent experience.
    Motorcycling on most levels costs lots of money,and that's where the trouble starts.
    I endurance raced with one supposed friend that did a motor build for me back in the 90's.I was charged for a Falicon crank,and new
    internals going up.Long story short..the motor blew again,and my pal never bought that crank he charged me for.He put the same
    stock pos back in.It made it through 3 practice sessions,and popped.

    My use to be best friend sold me a TM dirt bike with damaged cases that could not be repaired.I later found out from talking with the
    dealer in California,my supposed friend had been advised this was not a fix,w/o new cases.I asked my Pal if this oil leak had been
    permanently resolved,and he assured me it was.I bought it in good faith,and that bastard exxon valdezed all over the trails before
    the day was over.Dont trust anyone,and cover your ass always..

    (disclaimer..this is the only serious relevant post I have) carry on!
  16. ped

    ped Banned

    Why does he need to name names for you? does that prove something?
  17. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Like ped sed, you're gonna have to name names. The hooch ain't gonna burn itself.
    ToofPic likes this.
  18. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Igor Stravinsky,and http://www.linusbike.com/pages/story
    bunch of fuckers they both were,but I don't affiliate with either now days..
  19. vizsladog

    vizsladog Well-Known Member

    Dude I have plenty of information that the OP has presented unlike you I actually read it for what it was. He talked to MJ found out what he had done and when the motor was torn down it was exactly what he had said

    And I did not bring up Darin luck somebody else did I said nothing but the truth I had a personal dealing with him and I posted about it

    And you still know nothing about MJ . Did you get screwed over by him? You are the one on your making accusations about him . you say he's been accused of plenty of shady stuff . Well prove it or shut your suck hole.

    I guess her reading comprehension is not one of your strong points .
  20. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    What about kerfuffle? Or dust up....oooohhhh, dust up is redneck, right?
    ToofPic and CMRA 270 like this.

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