Would it be wrong...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Rob P, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    How do you define "no go zones?"
  2. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Now we're getting somewhere. You are "confident" but you don't actually know, for a fact, that there are none? I too, can answer in the same fashion that you have. I really don't know if there are any no go zones but still, I don't know for sure. That's all I've been asking for all along.
    Yeah, I realize that my question about beating your wife was off base since I doubt that there's a woman in the frigging world that would actually marry a squirrel like you. She would beat you to death in a New York minute. :)
  3. I welcome them home. I have never once expressed my dismay to a veteran. I've bitten my tong at times. That doesn't mean I have to agree with the war. Many of them are against it now too! This is a political forum, so I state my beliefs here.

    You're stating all those maybes, well how about maybe we don't send them to a bullshit war in the first place!
  4. HPPT, I think I may have deciphered it. If the hot water is running the mirror might be fogged up, so I wouldn't be be able to see the man in it. :D:D
  5. Not tried or convicted as one, yet in the opinion of many non RWN he is one.

    He has close ties to Lockheed Martin and he told a lie to start a war. It's not hard to connect the dots. A good con man covers his tracks well, but that doesn't mean that his victims haven't been conned.
  6. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    RFKA, I'm going to suggest something to you. When we get involved in a military operation we citizens are not privy to all the information available to the leaders that instigate that military operation. It's really easy to look back at something after the fact and make decisions on "what we should have done" but even then, we civilians still don't have all the facts in front of us so we really aren't in a proper position to be declaring any leader insane, or accusing them of trying to support a war machine.

    Hawk is right. Why not stop denigrating people in the position of carrying out orders just because you've "looked back" and don't like what you see? War is not a game. We are not dealing with a bunch of mean boy scouts. They are people that want to see us, including you, dead. How about it?
  7. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Actually yes. I have friends whom I would trust if they had a loaded gun pointed at me as I have zero to fear from them. They served multiple times in both theaters (home is a military town) I have never heard anything remotely like you claim. Though I have heard tales, some resulting in deaths. Further I am realistic enough to realize that war sucks and avoiding civilians 100% is impossible. I am also realistic enough to realize our record compared to ANY other force with the possible exception of Israel is awesome. I think we even exceed them in a full on war vs police action type. Lastly the enemy does NOT fight in uniform so claims of 'civilians' can be distorted to a high degree. Your hatred is a bit disturbing, talk to the people you claim are killing themselves and others who are not yet served. These people are our best IMO and would not and did not participate in the bullshit you accuse them off in anything other than a few aberrant individuals that would occur in any group that large.

    Oh and we just had a coworker leave to go to Afganistan for a year of service. Maybe I should have signed her card "see you in a year baby killer' according to your sick world. Instead I wished a safe return.
  8. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    You have no idea, the extent that the US Military goes to limit collateral damage. Now, if you subscribe to no collateral damage at all, or zero, you basically have an inept Military (and our presidency).
  9. They were defined as neighborhoods that only Muslims were allowed in.

    Ok. Let me clarify. I KNOW that there are no Muslim controlled "no go zones" in the United States, France, or the UK.

    Marriage has never been a goal of mine, but I'm still curious as to why you tied in the wife beating comment, seemingly out of nowhere? I have an affinity for crazy women, and one did try to beat the crap out of me once, but I was able to fend her off without using violence. I have sisters, so my dad taught me not to hit women when I was about ten. He knocked me across the room for hitting my sister back. Of course, after that my sisters knew it was open season, so I had to become good at defending myself against them without hitting back.
  10. My hatred? What are you talking about? I don't hate soldiers. I do hate people like Dick who send them off to die for no reason, if that's what you're referring to.
  11. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    You have probably heard of more death of US service men because of existing orders.

    I have mentioned the following a few times but a close friend of mine was an LT assigned to a Marine Unit. The orders he was giving, "Don't shoot until you are shot upon," put his unit at risk. He displayed enough courage to tell his men, I rather face court than your mom.

    I don't want any of our brothers or citizens dying to preserve our freedoms. I want the other guy dead.
    And, I keep reminding RFKA and others like him that war is the one time that you don't want the home field advantage. And, if I have to level the other field to make it level, consider it done.

    The collateral damage concern is pussyfication at premium level. It is but a lack of courage and understanding of the task at hand and it exclude the realization of what it is. If we have to sacrifice a few to save ours and free some. Done deal.

    I will revisit another statement from long ago: I would have rather have lost half of my family in Cuba as a result of gaining freedom than losing an entire family in the years since.
  12. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    English, do you speak it? ;-)

    How do you define "no-go zones?"
  13. I don't believe they exist in those countries, but I'll define it the same way. An area controlled by Muslims, that non Muslims aren't allowed in.

    Now my turn. Did I decipher the hot water parable correctly? :D
  14. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I know more people that share your opinion/viewpoint than I know service men that hate Dick or Blame Bush!

    Do you pay attention to the language that you use? "Send them off to die..."

    Talk to any service men, and you may find that what they detest most is being sent and not being let to fight/defend themselves and others.

    I never question on of the driving reasons that I opted out of the service when I did.
  15. They have you duped into believing that the war in Iraq was about our safety. It wasn't. You're one of the few who still believes that lie.
  16. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Hell no, you mirror is still foggy.

    Technically speaking, I don't believe that any country including, Belgium officially acknowledges the presence of No-Go Zones.

    The fact that you and others would to focus on "official" no-go zones misses the point.
  17. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    You assume much. I was not duped. My support for the Invasion/War in Iraq was not based on the belief that it would secure our safety. Rather, it was based on a fundamental belief that all humans should have an opportunity for self-governance and freedom from tyranny.
  18. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Care to challenge how service men feel about their duties perform under the Bush and Obama administration?
    Do you want to speak about our veterans safety while they are at work?
  19. Rob P

    Rob P Well-Known Member

    You are wrong on both counts.
  20. That's not the reason we went either.

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