Three Things That "I" Think Every Teen Needs To Know:

Discussion in 'General' started by whitarnold, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. whitarnold

    whitarnold Bike #137

    1) Be courteous to everyone, but respect is earned. Respect no one and trust no one until it is earned. You can respect someone's position and uniform without respecting the person. Find the true meaning of "love" and learn to address mankind in that state of mind.

    2) This world owes you nothing. Anything you want or need has to be earned by hard work. You are not special, there are millions around the world just like you. Most have the same problems. Get over it and get over yourself. You will soon reach an age that you realize how fast this life goes by. You are here one day and gone the next. Leave a legacy. It is not "about you"!

    3) Nothing will ever be a substitute for hard work. In school, in sports, in life, in business, in relationships, etc.... You will never find your way around "hard work". So, go ahead and adopt a mindset of hard work now, while you are young. Move this new habit into every aspect of your life. Make it part of your new "character".
    panthercity and Lawn Dart like this.
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeap and #4 is how to change a flat tire and #5 is how to drive a car with a manual transmission.

    In there some where is to never suffer fools. You can destroy them with humor, intelligence or simple facts but they must be destroyed.
    Lawn Dart likes this.
  3. whitarnold

    whitarnold Bike #137

    I like you #4 and #5....Maybe this forum can continue to add to my list?
    #6 how to handle weapons safely.
    panthercity likes this.
  4. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    Respect your elders, learn from them. Please use protection during sex as it can be life changing. Put the damn phone down and experience life.
    panthercity likes this.
  5. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Get off My Lawn.
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Some things I've been telling my daughter for a few years now: Buy the best you can afford and take care of it. The best is not always the most expensive and is seldom what everyone else is buying.
    Don't be a sheep, think for yourself.
    Be yourself!
    Lawn Dart likes this.
  7. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Do NOT be like me.
  8. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    "Don't get the cheapest, don't get the best, get what you need," has been one of my top life rules for a while.

    "Act like you've been there before" has always been a favorite too...
  9. dickie doo

    dickie doo Well-Known Member

    Half the adults I know could use these lessons...

    Say please, and thank you
    Look at people in the eyes when you speak to them
    The crowd isn't always where you want to be
    The drama you think means the world now, will mean almost nothing down the road... relax
    Be kind to people... you never know their struggles
    Never bully or make fun... that kid may be your boss someday
    College isn't for everyone
  10. surfingsk8r

    surfingsk8r Well-Known Member

    Playing devils advocate here, but why? Are you unhappy in life? If so why not make a change?
  11. BigBird

    BigBird blah

  12. zertrider

    zertrider Waiting for snow. Or sun.

    How to cook. If it wasn't for mommy or McD's. thousands of kids would die.
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    See, I hate that crap. Too many people have used it justify stupid and destructive behavior. Drugs, risky sex, choice of people they hang out with. A great saying that has been corrupted and turned into an excuse to be a fool.

    I like to counter with One life, One chance.
    colin96 likes this.
  14. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    Learn to THINK rather than to believe.
  15. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    Don't post the stuff you have for sale in other people's for sale posts.
  16. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    learn to speak properly. nothing worse than the jibba-jabba that comes out of these kids mouths.
  17. whitarnold

    whitarnold Bike #137

    I might give it away if asked nicely....
  18. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Caveat to #2 and #3 - Require parents of said teens to learn and apply these rules.
  19. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Learn the basics of finance - credit cards, retirement/401(k), mortgage vs rent, monthly budget (pay yourself first), interest rates, etc.
    Learn to do laundry
    Know how to change a tire (already said) and check air pressure
  20. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    This is very timely because I ripped into my 80 year old dad yesterday when he asked me how my 23 year old son was doing after an overtime loss to Robert Morris University this past Saturday. I told him that I could really give a flying fvck how he was doing...I've raised a kid that is a stellar athlete but who can't balance a checkbook or even bother himself to check his oil (which was 2 quarts low).

    My kid is actually fairly good and will be graduating this spring, but I failed in the life lessons because I was too busy taking him to practices and worrying about his athletics. On the other hand I fully believe my 20 year old daughter could run a small town successfully. Probably because I didn't pay enough attention to her when she was younger so she figured things out herself.

    I know this thread is about teenagers but my 23 year old son is basically 16.

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