RBoM SV Challenge @ VIR 8/2/15

Discussion in 'General' started by Russell Masecar, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    Only one way to find out Kris!
  2. Kris87

    Kris87 Friendly Smartass

    I have not ridden a motorcycle of any kind since my last race in June of 2010. I'm sure I would cry inside my helmet at my slowness. I just couldn't handle that. :D
  3. swiest152

    swiest152 Zoran's headache

    Does anyone have friends with decent camera equipment so we can get some track side shots? Be great to put together a race video that isn't just from on the bikes.
  4. B. Myers

    B. Myers Well-Known Member

    what is gate fee for VIR for spectator....I want to come see the 650 race... :)
  5. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    Mongo said it was 20 for the weekend for racers to get in. Not sure what spectator fee is.
  6. B. Myers

    B. Myers Well-Known Member

    Sunday schedule forthcoming correct...quiet hour still 11-12..so racing will begin noon to1?

    Thanks guys..
  7. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

  8. r6boater

    r6boater Logged out

    I have one...I'll see what he's up to that day.
  9. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    Cash money!

    Attached Files:

  10. swiest152

    swiest152 Zoran's headache

    and those aren't empty. Russell doesn't believe in an IOU
  11. Dave_SV

    Dave_SV Well-Known Member

    Are those IOUs for cases of Bud Light??

    Also how do we sign up for the RBoM cup? I pre-registered yesterday for the LWT classes and didn't see anything extra, do we go to registration at the track to pay the extra $25?
  12. Russell Masecar

    Russell Masecar Well-Known Member

    Gridding procedure for Sunday's Challenge

    This is ALMOST a GO. Not 100% yet, but I have contacted most of the players who I think would be affected and have gotten their ok to grid Sunday's race based on Saturday's LWT SB race results. This should be a little bit safer for all involved, I hope. If anyone has any valid objections they need to speak up quick, email me, or call me.

    Russell Masecar
  13. Russell Masecar

    Russell Masecar Well-Known Member

    Sign up for the Challenge will have to take place at the track.
  14. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    How's VIR in the rain? Hopefully not like Mid Ohio.
  15. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    It's fine
  16. swiest152

    swiest152 Zoran's headache

    I would think the "moisture missile" should have no problem at any track.
  17. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

  18. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    Laugh it up pal. Laugh it up. :D. You'll be laughing even more when I come by you on the B rain bike with dirtbike bars.
  19. swiest152

    swiest152 Zoran's headache

    Not going to rain so it won't mater.
  20. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    How many beers you wanna bet you don't catch me Sunday? I'm open for a little alcohol wager. Just don't take me out I have to be at work on Tuesday and my boss will be pissed.

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