How do you feel now?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Sacko DougK, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised this was brought up a couple of days ago. I guess everyone is too busy watching the bitch slap.

    Well, here is another bitch slap to all of those who voted for or supported Obamacare,

    I mean, they guy who wrote this thing just said they relied on the stupidity of their supporters to get this through! He just called you all idiots!

    So much for the most transparent administration. His very first initiative nothing but lies and deceit. Didn't they argue in front of the Supreme Court that it is a tax??
  2. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Not surprising at all. I do think though that if he is admitting to lying to the American people to get this legislation passed then he and others should be charged with a crime. Of course I don't believe that any such statute exist as this type of behavior occurs all of the time on both sides of the aisle but nonetheless this type of crap pisses me off and I'd like to see him and others who pushed this law into existence go to "pound them in the ass" federal prison.
  3. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    Not surprising. I agree with him, anyone who supported Obama is stupid. Until we have any sort of requirement to participate in our voting system stupid people who have no real idea what theyre voting for, what their candidate actually represents, or how our most basic form of government works will continue to drag the rest of us down.
  4. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

  5. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

  6. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

  7. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Not really my point but that is a very efficient bit of political spin. If you don't take notice that in a nation of 316 million less than 0.00001% of those votes courted by $102 million in lobbying money were all that mattered. Actually, that's not true because some of that money went to the fight against the ACA. Because the same donors supported both sides. At some point we have to stop trying to count ourselves as winners or losers in the political game. We are all losing. The ACA is the obvious example.
  8. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I have said it before, we need to put away the pom poms.
  9. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    if only we could waterboard such arrogance. :mad:
  10. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

  11. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    How about fraud? If you deliberately deceived the accounting measures to improve your financial position you have committed fraud. That is punishable by law. If this Bill was passed under those pretenses, then the correct numbers should be re-evaluated and decided upon.
  12. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I know/understand. I think it is funny to see those on the left, on Facebook continuing to reference the article above.

    The continue play that we are just too dumb to know better gets old and there has to be some level of irony that the same administration that some cannot seem to embrace (due to color) is forever counting on the stupidity of the voting block to sale them flaw ideologies or packages.
  13. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    You gotta love it...
    Can't have transparency if you want it to pass! Why? Because then the citizens might not think it wise? Give me a break!

    I guess the ends justify the much for liberal "ideals". Trust me, I'm from the government and I'm here to help......

    As for the underlieing basis for insurance...OF COURSE the healthy pay for the sick...Just like those that die late pay for those that die early and those whose house doesn't burn down pay for those whose house does! Just how the F*CK do they think insurance works?

  14. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I am still a proponent of doing away with medical insurance in its entirety. I would like to see a return to free-market principles and a price list, open competition for services.

    Regulation and insurance itself serve as primary drivers in the escalating cost of health care. It is not doctor greed driving the cost. But we want that warm fuzzy feeling, so we purchase a product that is always less than what it is sold as.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Sounds good to me.
  16. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Yeah forgot about that one; hadn't had any coffee before I posted :D
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Want to get medical costs down? Shoot all the lawyers.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And get the insurance companies out of it. Lawyers aren't the only evil involved :D
  19. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    I'm not anti-insuance....If you want catastropic it. The deal is between you and the Insurance company. They lay off risk the same way they do in auto insurance. When you go to the hospital, the cost is between you and the Docs. This way the market can work to manage costs while covering people for serious medical issues.
    Currently there is so much fraud in the system it can't possibly work efficiently.

    Just look at your most recent medical bill...can anyone explain it? If not, how can you be expected to manage it?

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