Plate or no plate

Discussion in 'General' started by zx6rfool, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. GoldStarRon

    GoldStarRon Well-Known Member

    Ah er.. no plate is stronger according to my Orthopod.. And there is no reason it would be shorter unless there were bits and pieces Vs one break point. I wish I had copies of my Xrays. We did a bunch of them.. could see whisps of bone growth, kind of looked like fine hairs connecting the two parts.. then it filled in. The last Xray clearly showed much thicker new bone at the brake points.. no way will it break in the same spot again. The silly Orthopod "sucker punched" me in the shoulder on my last visit.. saying I was good to go as he was unable to break it... geeesh.

  2. GoldStarRon

    GoldStarRon Well-Known Member

    Now in a different bone, I met a guy that lost about an inch of his leg bone, road racing. He had multiple surgeries and they finally connected the two bones without him being short on one side. Now this was back in the 70's, I bet medicine has advanced since then...

  3. zx6rfool

    zx6rfool Stacks Wood

    Blood work done and schedule is set; plate is going in tomorrow at 5pm est.
  4. Phl218

    Phl218 .

  5. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I plated mine.
  6. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That's hard-core. Did you use a mirror?
  7. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I used a surgeon. :up:
  8. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Thanks, I would have never figured that out on my own. :D

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides... This is one of the best, easiest to read for all of us "not Dr. types", to read articles on "TO PLATE, OR NOT TO PLATE" .. But it's written by a Dr.
    A dirt bike racer friend of mine posted it in an offroad racin forum.
  10. zx6rfool

    zx6rfool Stacks Wood

    surgery was thurs, 3 inch plate with 8 screws, doc said it was worse than the x-rays showed, and he was proud of his work. now hopingn for the muscle spasms to stop.

    going well so far.
  11. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    I had mine plated in 2007 and had an infection about 30 days after. Got me an additional 30 days off. Infections are no joke! Anyone been lucky enough to break their plate and get replated? That sucks. :D
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
  12. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Mine was broken into three pcs (two breaks) and I went "no plate" on the advice of my doc. Plates cause problems later if reinjured and surgery always has ristls such as infection.
  13. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    My friend Troy is going through that right now and its a disaster. Screws pulled out, bone is splintered...might need a bone graft.
  14. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Months?????? I broke mine in two places and was fine in six weeks. Soft tissue damage was about a year but that's the same with plate or no-plate. Range of motion issues will come into play if you are a professional golfer or tennis player...otherwise it's really a non-issue. After the bone heals a good and proper PT regimen will do the trick.

    My doctor was one if the orthopedics for the Detroit Redwings and I was pretty amazed he said not to plate it.

    The clavicle heals faster than any other bone in the body...let your body have a chance to repair itself.
  15. rob748

    rob748 Well-Known Member


    hope your healing ok, pain will decrease day by day.

    l think its a case by case, from what l was told l didnt have an option to plate.
    l had a section that was just pieces that had to be put back in place and a bone marrow injected to help it grow back together.

    post some xrays
  16. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member some xrays as you heal up.
  17. rob748

    rob748 Well-Known Member

    mine 5/21/2014

  18. rob748

    rob748 Well-Known Member

    week later

  19. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Mine was in 2008 @ Nashville. Crumbled into 5-6 pieces the xrays said. Could feel the bones floating around on the 9-hour drive home. Plating was the only option:

    Five weeks later at Mid-O:

    My original doctor (Lemos / DMC, Team Doc. for Tigers and Pistons) said wait. Dr. Ting said it was good to go. :)

    It wasn't as much the pain as it was being out of shape for that event, in having not ridden since the injury. Plus I couldn't let my hot umbrella girl down.
  20. zx6rfool

    zx6rfool Stacks Wood

    Lied plate was just over 5 inches.





    If anyone knows I need 08 Z1000 fairings, and frame and case covers. Otherwise gonna have to go with insurance. Gonna need a new helmet that fits an oval shaped head, closeouts best, loved my Nolan-Xlite and Arai.


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