anyone ever done 1/2 day track day, longer session?

Discussion in 'General' started by breakneckPace, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. breakneckPace

    breakneckPace Well-Known Member

    So since I've been riding at the track and racing I've always seen track day events run all day for motorcycles with 20 minute sessions. This seemed the norm. I've learned that some local tracks are doing something where bikes run the track the 2nd half of the day (cars go in the morning) for 30 minute sessions instead. (assuming only 2 groups) I haven't sat down and done the math but they said it comes out to about the same amount of riding time.

    My question this go around for the know-it-all beeb is, has anyone ever been to a track day like this? What were your thoughts? Did you still get your money's worth? It seems like it could be nice. get to sleep in, track has time to warm up, things of that nature. -discuss-
  2. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    We do them at Mid Ohio all the time

    It's usually open sessions flagged every 30 min , advanced and intermediate only

    You can pretty much ride for 4 hours straight if you want , catch a checkered ride thru hot pit and back on track in usually less then 2 min when it goes green again
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  3. Pepsi Drinker

    Pepsi Drinker Well-Known Member

    We do evening sessions that are 30 minutes per session.

    I haven't experienced anything running immediately before us so we typically would start at 4 and end at 10, so yeah you got 6 30 minute long sessions, for less than 1/2 the cost of the all day events which net only 6 or 7 20 minute sessions with way too much idle time between sessions and the lunch break.
    30 minutes may be about your personal limit of endurance -mentally and physically-if you are really humping it and aren't in pretty good shape, especially when you get to those final few sessions?
  4. breakneckPace

    breakneckPace Well-Known Member

    yeah I imagine I'd get pretty tired even after the 2nd or 3rd session, but that's just 'cause I'm in terrible shape right now. (and I don't relax on the bike very well) I still want to try the format though. It seems like it'd be a good way to learn how to feel things on your bike, instead of getting warmed up a couple laps, start to work things out, then have to come in and wait 40 minutes to do it all again.
  5. IrocRob

    IrocRob Well-Known Member

    I ran an open format track day a few years back and loved it.
    Ended up running 240 miles that day....great time despite being a little on the cool side.
  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    They used to do a MotoMonday event at MAM. I don't remember exactly how it went but it was open session, 2 and a half hours straight, a break for lunch, then another 2 and a half hour session.
  7. mattf

    mattf Banned-a-lama-ding-dong.


    Open format....roll out when you want, come in whenever. I put in mega miles that day, and by early afternoon everyone had shot their wad early so the track was virtually empty.
  8. Pepsi Drinker

    Pepsi Drinker Well-Known Member

    Yep, I have done a few of those too. By the time there was only 2 hours elft there were only about 30% of the riders still around that started in the morning.
    Last one I did I ran 278 miles but I was so cramped up afterwards and sore for 2 days that I should have reigned it in a little. But hey cost per mile was super cheap.
  9. BarryG

    BarryG Well-Known Member

    Slightly different, but Jennings ran a weekend at the end of summer where they did half day sessions (9-2, I think) Saturday and Sunday. Had two groups, so you got a 20 minute rest in between your sessions.
    Let me tell you, the drive home on Sunday was a trial, we were both fried. And both in fairly good shape.
    Combo of heat and pretty much non-stop riding made for that. And the quads were not happy the next few days.
    It was a great way to get to know Jennings (first time there) and end the summer. Oh, but the love bugs, ##*^%**!!!

  10. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    First time I ever did an open track day I came back into the pits and could barely get my feet down off the pegs. Definitely allows you to immediately try different things without the time constraints of 3 groups.

    It is absolutely worth the extra cost for an open track day if you get the chance!
  11. RxRC

    RxRC Well-Known Member

    Open track days are the best.
  12. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    This sounds better than the usual multi group formats I've only ever been to. Wish summit would do something like this.
  13. mattf

    mattf Banned-a-lama-ding-dong.

    It's much, much better.

    The only two things to concern yourself with are:

    1. Knowing when enough is enough. As some others have mentioned, you can run and run and run in a single session until you finally realize that you are wiped out. You have to make sure you take sufficient breaks.

    2. Knowing how much fuel you have! No gauges on my R1, and they warned us that if you ran dry, your ass was waiting until the lunch break or the end of the day, as they wouldn't jam up the track for everyone else to come get you.

    The last day I did @ NJMP, I must've strung together a dozen laps where I never saw another bike on track. Awesome.
  14. breakneckPace

    breakneckPace Well-Known Member

    thanks for the info! I'm gonna have to give this a try for sure. I think Infineon is doing something like this format. Should be a fun way to learn the track!
  15. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Never done that, if I did though, I'd prefer they run the bikes first. One car blowing up can ruin the track conditions for the rest of the day.
  16. bored&stroked

    bored&stroked Disclaimer: Can't spell

    I'm out of shape, so 20min sessions are more then enough. Problem for me is I only need 5-10min to relax and I'm ready for another session, so I've found open trackdays to be the hot ticket. If you have the stamina to do 30min sessions, then it sounds like a neat idea.
  17. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    when doing track days I always made it a habit not to go out in the last 1-2 sessions. if I made it that far in the day , I count my blessings and call it a day. besides I would be doing any better times at the end of the day when I am more wiped and apt to make a mistake - or be taken out by someone who does.
  18. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    When this is the "norm" try sitting out your sessions earlier in the day and ride the later ones , there's normally less traffic later in the day because most people do the same thing :beer:

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