Hand surgeon recommendation!

Discussion in 'General' started by TakeItApart, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    Not for me, but a friend of mine. He was playing outside with his kids and jumped up, went to land, was gonna land on baby daughter, caught himself and busted his hand right in the middle.

    Imagine if you had an extra set of knuckles right in the palm area. That's where it's folded! He's seen a few orthos near harrisburg, pa and none of them will attempt surgery. One ortho was heard dropping f-bombs while looking at the X-rays!

    I'd imagine they'd have to be a pretty good specialist.

    What ya got?


    Thanks in advance!
  2. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

  3. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Shenanigans likes this.
  4. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    Depending on how far he wants to travel, he might want to give Dr Ting a call...or at least consult with him regarding options.
  5. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Where is his "home" office?
  6. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    I believe he's in Freemont, CA.
  7. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    That may be a little far, but he may have to consult. Apparently it's pretty damn bad. The foul mouthed ortho told him he could do the procedure, but he'd probably eff it up.
  8. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    This guy is no shit.
    I destroyed my wrist in a desert get-off, had it "fixed" by the same guys that the Seattle Seahawks use. I was in Phoenix, their training camp. Wife called 'em to find out who they use.
    Anyway, this guy I linked is top shelf. He looked at the x-rays of the carnage that was pinned, plated and screwed together by the Phoenix crew then pondered a moment before he understood what they did to piece me together.
    I had displaced every bone in my wrist and shattered the one of the two in my forearm on the thumb side...kinda like smashing a chicken bone into a table dead on and breaking a rack of billiards with a bowling ball.
    I was fooked.

    So, Weiland sees what he needed to do to remove the hardware and removes it...it was a puzzle. (It was also hampering my pain tolerance to shoving my hand between frames and engines, etc).
    A few months of PT by a certified hand therapist and I'm about 95%. The other 5% is prolly scar tissue that's restricting full flexion.

    I mention him because, for the severity of the issue, a trip to NYC would be well worth it it in the long run. His list of peers is small...very small.
    RichB likes this.
  9. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Sent PM
  10. skee

    skee # 358

    Dr. Armen Kasabian at NSLIJ in Long Island, NY one of the best on the east coast!
  11. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    hand specialist, was in philly for a while, now in Michigan. i severed a thumb tendon, and when other ortho's couldnt fix it, or were over their head... he came in and fixed it with ease. Ski

  12. weiljh

    weiljh Well-Known Member

  13. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****


    Located in Northern KY a few miles south of Cincinnati OH.

    I did major damage to my right wrist and over 3 years saw more ortho specialists that I care to think about.

    Due looked at my X-rays and history and scheduled surgery. Within 2 weeks I had gone from less than 15% rotation of my wrist and constant pain, to racing a local AX race with full rotation and no pain.
  14. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    He found a surgeon and goes in tomorrow for the procedure. Dr. Maurer from Arlington Orthopedic Group. Wish him luck!

    Thanks for all the suggestions!
  15. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    I don’t know why I didn’t think to look or ask here first. It may have saved me some trouble. I hope everyone is doing well. I know I don’t come on here much anymore but Lifes been a bit crazy for me.. anyhoo I need a good hand surgeon preferably in the Cocoa Beach or Orlando Florida area . I will drive further if I have to in order to get this hand fixed correctly. Thanks in advance
  16. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    So, what did you at @Steeltoe get into?

  17. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

  18. prospected

    prospected Well-Known Member

    Dr. Ryan Katz at the Union Memorial Hospital in Bmore has saved both of my hands and life. Dislocated, fractured, tore carpal tendons, and scaphoid bone fracture in my left wrist fully functional after his work. Also right hand boxer fracture with plate in ring finger metacarpal with previously pinned pinky finger. Guy is a magician hand surgeon. Goodluck.
    flygirl likes this.
  19. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks because if I can’t find someone here I could try and pull off doing it in another state but I’m hoping to find someone in Florida. I really need to get it done here as I’m trying to keep it simple along with costs and stress down. I’m hoping someone here has a review as good as yours with a surgeon in Fla
    Thanks for your input though. I’m glad you were fixed and it gives me hope for mine
    prospected likes this.
  20. StanTheMan

    StanTheMan Well-Known Member

    If you need a good hand surgeon at Duke, send me a PM. Glad to help if you need it.
    Steeltoe and flygirl like this.

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